Thursday, December 5, 2024

Indigenous Europeans are white Asians?

Shaman Santa is nice to a deaf Sami girl named "Sami"
Scandinavian shroom shamans were beloved figures.
Rugged Indian Americans Indigenous Scandinavians and their teepees tents, 1900 (wiki)
Sami ("Laplander") life might not be possible without reindeer, just as Indians needed buffalo.

Who invented our European-American version of "Christmas"? Sami shamans in Siberia-Scandinavia-Arctic Circle (North Pole) -- with their reindeer obsession, big red coat and boots, long beard, stocking distribution (used as bags over the fireplace to dry psychoactive Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) mushrooms the shaman distributes to families living in yurts by entering through the "chimney" (open rooftop access where fire smoke is ventilated out by design. And even the reindeer get so high they "fly" by partaking of the magical mushrooms and the urine of the shaman or head reindeer, characteristically licking the snow for more of the molecule. Sounds unbelievable, but it's all true. The mushroom has a symbiotic relationship with pine trees, under which they grow, popping up as red and white wrapped "gifts." So we imitate the ritual by wrapping nice things in red and white, the color of peppermint canes, and placing them under the conifer pines tree we drag in for loved ones to find in the morning. It's like an Easter egg (mushroom vulva) hunt in winter snow with the helper Elves or mechanicals cybernauts speak of seeing and interacting with. It's starting to feel a lot like winter solstice time!

Ho ho ho, says the Shaman, gifts for everyone!

One of the least known ethnic groups of Europe. Who are they?

Scandinavian Sami family, Finland, 1936
(Science) Aug. 18, 2024: Girl football? Forest spirits? Living in tents with advice of female shamans? Sápmi is the Sámi (\sammy\) people’s own name for their traditional territory. The Sámi people are the Indigenous people of the northern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and large parts of the Kola Peninsula. They live in what some used to call "Lapland" in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Russia. There is no reliable information on the population of the Sámi people; they are, however, estimated to number between 50,000-100,000. The Sami – an ethnic group who are known as the last indigenous people of Europe (or Laplandia).

#sami #indigenouspeople #saamisaami #nomads #swastika #aryan #lake #Eurasians #Asians #blended
Connection between Caucasians and Asians? Genetics of Sami, Ainu, and Siberians
(Masaman) July 23, 2017: Could the Scandinavian Sami, white Japanese Ainu, and other Indigenous Siberian peoples be the missing link between modern East Asian and European populations?

Let's go through the genome, DNA, and haplogroups of many of the various peoples of Northern Asia. The natives of Siberia are a very interesting group to learn about, not very well known by the general public.

Let's touch on the fact that Hungarians, Finns, and Estonians all speak languages that come from outside the borders of Europe. Thoughts on the Sami, Ainu, and the native peoples of Siberia? Comment

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