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The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ by Nicolas Notovitch - FULL audio book

(Greatest AudioBooksThe Unknown Life of Jesus Christ by Nicolas Notovitch is here presented as an audio book. 🌐🌟🎧📚 GreatestAudioBooks.co 💙 
  • Translated by J. H. Connelly and L. Landsberg
The Unknown Life of Jesus
The Unknown Life of Jesus
: original text with photographs and map by Nicolas Notovitch has 4.6 out of 5 stars with 114 ratings. Notovitch was born into an aristocratic Jewish family but converted to Christianity in his youth.

A prolific Russian journalist, author of 12 books, (and some say a spy), he travelled widely in the East, visiting India, formerly Buddhist Afghanistan (Gandhara), and Buddhist Ladakh (formerly part of Tibet).

After a horse-riding accident that broke his leg, Notovitch recuperated at a Tibetan Buddhist lamasery (monastery) called Hemis Gompa.

There he heard of an ancient written manuscript that revealed astonishing information on the 16 "Lost Years of Jesus" -- the period between Jesus Christ's visit to the Jerusalem Temple at the age of 12 and his baptism in the Jordan River, about which the Bible is strangely silent.

Russian Jewish-Christian Nicolas Notovitch

The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ (Audible)
The Tibetan manuscript relates that Jesus (called Saint Issa in the East) spent this time traveling to India and Tibet to study the spiritual disciplines of the East. He then returned via Persia to Israel, where he taught for a few years until his eventual crucifixion (torture by Roman soldiers reserved for political criminals).

This account was published by Notovitch in 1887 as The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ. It caused an immediate sensation, stirring passions on both sides, shaking the foundations of Orthodox Christianity and raising a storm of controversy that, after more than 125 years [after its publication], has not yet abated.

I trained in the Mystic East
This is an exciting, thought-provoking book, essential reading for anyone interested in the life of the historical Jesus the Nazarene [not a place but a sect designation for vegetarian/vegan, according to Christspiracy]. More
  • This version includes an introduction from Yogi Ramachakra from his book, Mystic Christianity, giving additional insight into the 18 unknown years of Jesus Christ's life with an afterword by Baird T. Spalding from his book, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East. Nicolas Notovitch journeyed to Ladakh (Tibet) in 1887 and discovered manuscripts in a Buddhist monastery describing some of the unknown years of Jesus Christ. In these manuscripts the Jewish-Christian godman (sadhu) is referred to as Saint Issa.
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  • Nicolas Notovitch, translated by Connelly and Landsberg, Greatest Audioibook, Feb. 23, 2013; Lost Years of Jesus; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

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