Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Roots of Mexican genetics: Mestizos

New research uncovers the hidden roots of Mexican genetics
(Epic Discovery) Oct. 31, 2024: Mexican DNA has something to say about a new cultural identity, the Mestizo. Indigenous genes were forcibly married off to European slave drivers, rapists, invaders, settler colonialists, and imperial Conquistadors. What does it mean to be "Mexican" today? It is a blended MIX (mestizo) of Indigenous and European genes, with strong African, East Asian, and Middle Eastern (many of them Conversos or "Converts" holding on to old cultural traditions) elements. This is the history of Mexico (i.e., The United Mexican States) and its many arrivals and settlers in the New World.

Why do some Mexicans look so Asian? 🧬🇲🇽
(Ancestral Linguist) Dec. 5, 2024: This video analyzes the DNA evidence along with the history of Mexico, the country next to the USA that will soon be merged with it, along with Canada, to form the Amero Union, much as is already happening economically and monetarily in spite of Fuhrer Von S.I.P. Trump promoting division, isolationism, and racial separation.

  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 01:26 - African ancestry
  • 03:13 - European colonialism
  • 04:13 - Filipino connection does not explain Asian looks
  • 04:46 - Conclusion
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