Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Holiday Party Vegan Potluck (12/14)

The Holidays, when things get cold and dark, are the best time of year to party. It's also the birthday of the hippie owner John., so it's an extra festive occasion of Christmas, Kwanzaa, Channukah, and Late-Diwali.
  • [Humans need social contact, according to psychology, whether they think they like it or not, as we are pack animals and interdependent angels. So get out' the house and into a festive potlach atmosphere of interaction, and give an Irish goodbye when it gets to be too much.]
Use the back door for free parking
Yogis Cody and Stella have a night of music, singing, Sanskrit chanting (kirtan), party games, and lots of delicious food.

It's through the Cosmic Breezeway and in Oh Happy Days Vegan Cafe, a throwback to hippie times when all anyone did was smoke herb, attend anti-war protests, farm hair, and go to college to get a degree in systematically questioning the status quo and the corporate power structure.

Not Mt. Wilson's Cosmic Cafe up the street
Ah, those were the days when you could just turn on, tune in, and drop out. Come by to celebrate and give well wishes to the birthday boy with live musical performances.

Bring a VEGAN (no animal products of any kind) item, dessert, guacamole, salad, soup, or good quality chips. There's always pizza and entree items. All are welcome. It's FREE, so RSVP:

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