Monday, January 27, 2025

Shamanism in Sweden (video)

This path of practice to know and see
Wouldn't it be better to be a "priest" than a "shaman"? A priest is an intermediary between a religion and parishioners, whereas a shaman is all about direct experience. So, of course, having no intermediaries is better. The Buddha, like Mahavira and many others before him, went into the woods to have an experience of Truth. Shamans do not seek beliefs, dogma, and things to accept. They go for a face-to-face meeting with what is real. Rather than faith and devotion (bhakti and puja), they seek the path of knowledge and wisdom (jnana and prajna). Knowing and seeing, the Buddha taught others to know-and-see. One can go far on faith (saddha), but all the way to liberation, that's a job for wisdom.

The Beginning of Religion and Faith: The History of Religion
(All Things Humanities) Jan. 1, 2025: Religion has been around for a very long time. When most people think of early religion, they think of ancient religions such as Hinduism, Sumerian(ism), Zoroastrianism, Judaism, ancient Egyptians, and Mayans. However, religious belief and spirituality have a much longer history than that. The origins of religion date back to prehistoric times, that is, before human beings even began writing and carving into rocks. We have evidence showing religious practices taking place as early as 60,000 BCE. So where did religion start, why did it start, what did it look like, and why were human beings partaking in it? This video is a deep dive into the origins of religion and why human beings have been undertaking this behavior. You’re watching All Things Humanities.

Is there shamanism in Sweden? Of course, there are the Sami, the Indigenous whites, the original Scandinavians we seem to base all of our Christmas imagery on -- reindeer sleighs dashing through the snow in colorful clothes, dropping psychedelic mushrooms the shaman dropped in through the chimney of our yurt through to deliver so that we could place them in stocking over the fireplace to dry so they wouldn't rot and turn into charcoal-looking petroleum sludge. The red and white of the Amanita muscaria or powerful fly agaric entheogen was the "gift surprise" we are mimicking under the pine tree, where they grow in a symbiotic relationship to the conifers. It all ties in from former Lapland (now Sapmi) to the Arctic Circle, where the North Pole is located. The shamanism in this cold part of the world is what we have been mirroring and remembering in our racial or genetic memory as a collective human family. Just ask Terence McKenna or the Machine Elves.

Inca Wisdom: Urban Shaman Annika Panotzki's Guide to Emotional Transformation
(Wisdom From North) Annika Panotzki is a Swedish urban shaman whose vision is to build bridges between the teachings of Inca Shamanism and the urban culture of the West.

For Annika, her life completely transformed after opening herself to the wisdom of the shamanic Inca way. In the Inca tradition, Annika says, we see that we are all creators of our lives.

The higher awareness we have, the more we can create and choose good things. When we see that we already have everything we need around us and we see that there is enough for everybody, then we are no longer guided by our ego.

When life is flowing for us, then it is natural to receive and have the desire to share with others. We can share our unique talents, passions, kind thoughts, and so on.

This natural teaching is beautiful and can be applied no matter who we are, what we are working with, or where on earth we live. Inca Shamanism's philosophy of life has amazing tools for us.
💙 Let's connect! Join the community: Wisdom From North membership ➡️ ➡️ Website: ➡️ YouTube channel: wisdomfromnorth. Wisdom From North partners with The Shift Network. Music: Epidemic Sound.  Become a co-creator and donate here ➡️ Thanks so much for the support. Jannecke Øinæs COPYRIGHT© 2016.💙 Podcast:  Spotify ➡️ Apple ➡️
  • Annika Panotzki, Jannecke Øinæs, Wisdom From North, Nov. 9, 2016; Amber Larson and Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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