Friday, February 14, 2025

All I Want for V-Day is Sexy, Sadie

Dr. Sadie, what's my passion? - "What's passion"? - No, what's MY passion, my life's purpose?

Dr. Sadie Allison on The Heidi and Frank Morning Zoo Show, KLOS, Feb. 7th, 2025
A Happy Married Life: A Buddhist Perspective
For adults only. Are you 18? Pretend to press here <> if you are. Otherwise, go away. Not suitable for monastic eyes.

"Sex with Sadie" (or it could've been "Sex With Emily") was a show by graphic feminist sexologist Dr. Sadie Allison (that was Rated somewhere between R, NC-17, and XXX), CEO of, a "toy" company concerning itself with base sensual pleasures of every description, the practice of villagers.

Sex or passion for Valentine's?
Happy Valentine's Day, elementary school class!
Dr. Sadie, is there Nothing Higher to Live For than [boinking, schtooping, and the Choctaw Heimlich]?

Sure there is, Wisdom Quarterly. My TEDx Talk (below) is all about fearless giving not mutual wham-bam-thank-you-mam'ing.

All I want for Valentine's Day is sexy, Sadie.

Um, that's Doctor Sadie.

Oh, sorry, Dr. Sadie.

What do you mean by "sexy," Wisdom Quarterly?

Um, that's Venerable Wisdom Quarterly.


Focused and Fearless
No, we'd just like an honorific title, too. What we mean by "sexy" is passionate. We're interested in Turning Passions Into Profits like that shady guru Howard Christopher, Lisa Garr's motivational speaker pal.

Wisdom Quarterly, what about turning your passion into fearless giving?

Dr. Sadie, do you mean dana (letting go, unselfishness, generosity, sharing, liberality) like the fearless and noble Shaila Catherine to make skillful-karma so that we can enjoy the results/fruits lifetime after lifetime in this interminable samsara until we reach full release?

Well, I was more thinking like this.*

Topics too hot for American TV?
(Dr. Sadie Allison & Tickle Kitty) Dr. Sadie Allison - Reel (Rated NC-17)
Nothing Higher to Live For?
Science of FLIRTING like sexy H.O.T.  A.P.E.S.

*Turning sexual PASSION into skillful action of Fearless Giving with Dr. Sadie

Turning sexual passion into skillful karma
Wretch, right, Dr. Sadie? - No, stretch, Dear, and get limber. - I thought you said get Limburger.
How can we empower real intimacy?
(TEDx Talks) How did a renowned American sex educator develop the passion for "fearless giving" (dana) that allows her to teach intimacy techniques to millions? What obstacles and prejudices did she overcome to blossom as America's Pleasure Coach? And how can we adapt her "fearless giving" model to create happiness in our own lives -- in and out of the bedroom?

In her short TEDx talk, Dr. Sadie shows how to face life's challenge with true determination, especially when one's drive to give fearlessly runs smack up against daily reality.

She offers examples from her own childhood, where intense family dysfunction, coupled with being fiercely ostracized at school for guiding girlfriends through their budding sexuality, could easily have kept her from ever being successful.

Yet, her drive to give fearlessly and passionately has led her to become one of today's leading authorities on sexuality and an award-winning sex self-help author with over two million books sold (as of 2013).

Watching Dr. Sadie enables us to discover our own inner "fearless giver." By the end of the talk, we'll know the best moment to fully embrace it.

I go to nightclubs for the restroom camaraderie

ABOUT: Dr. Sadie Allison is one of America's leading experts on human sexuality. Founder and CEO of Tickle Kitty, Inc., Dr. Sadie is the IPPY Best Sexuality Award-winning author and publisher of today's bestselling line of fun, informative, sex-help guides — the kind we wish we'd read earlier in life. Her ever-popular classics include Ride 'Em Cowgirl! and Tickle His Pickle. Dr. Sadie's mission is to empower women and men to embrace an even deeper enjoyment of their sexuality through encouragement, information, and inspiration [rather than the standard American discouragement, ignorance, and guilt/shame of our parents and teachers] — topped-off with a dash of humor.

TEDx: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = "independently organized TED event." The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized* (*subject to certain rules and regulations).
  • Dr. Sadie Allison, TEDxGoldenGatePark, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Nov. 14, 2013; Vanessa (Klein Ally Show, KROQ, 2025); Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Shauna Schwartz, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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