Monday, March 3, 2025

Eagles have landed, nest cam, Big Bear

UPDATE: My baby pipped and hatched. Now, back off.
There's been progress. A pip has been detected, a quickening that inspires the other chicks in their embryonic shells to get with the pecking and break out. Although it is 18 degrees up at Big Bear Lake above LA, the eggs are warm by the vigilance of the parents, Jackie and Shadow, and everything looks good for the birth of three baby bald eagles. It makes one proud to be a Native American and watch respect for nature rub off on the cam jamming Lone Ranger man filming the birds in their element.

Shadow and Jackie Pip 👀 Watch begins
(Cali Condor) Feb. 28, 2025: BIG BEAR LAKE. Original live video courtesy of ‪@FOBBVCAM
The avian garuda (suparna) ET bird-people
We are starting Pip Watch on March 1st, when Egg1 is 38 days old, looking for the first signs of hatching (the first little hole being called a pip).

We may notice subtle changes in Jackie and Shadow’s behavior, such as becoming more attentive to the eggs.

Since Jackie is practicing delayed incubation, we may not see anything yet but will keep our eyes glued to all three eggs, [except for the runt. Who cares about him? Have you seen the price of a dozen of these? Make my murder morning mash of fowl fetuses too expensive to fry!]

The initial pip usually looks like a small bump, often shaped like a star, and is only visible when the camera is zoomed in. The eggs may have some dirt smudges or fluff stuck on them, which are not to be mistaken for pips.
  • [Hey, is Zelenskyy going to start WW III after disrespecting VP Vance and not kissing PP Trump's ring? Sure glad we have this Eagle Cam set up so we don't have to think about how we have been funding Ukraine's killing of Russians and getting them killed for Europe. What are the CIA and Pentagon thinking?]
  • What are garudas, alien bird-human hybrid people?
  • Supaṇṇa Saṃyutta are Buddhist texts about garudas
  • The Connected Discourses on Phoenixes [3] or Avians, Garudas, Suparnas, Harpies, Birdpeople provides basic accounts on the nature of the garuḍas, who are avian deities in Buddhist cosmology and mythology. In these texts, the Buddha describes these beings with regard to their mode of rebirth, hierarchy, as well as the reasons a person may be reborn among them.
If one notices any suspicious spot, please make a note and keep an eye on it. If it were a pip, in a few hours, it would grow into a larger, more obvious pip site.
  • BEWARE OF PWI: "Pip watch itch" manifests as an urgent need to study all egg rolls frame-by-frame and pronounce every dirt speck or fluff a pip. It is highly transmissible, occurs seasonally, and has no known cure. Not to be confused with "presidential war incitement" Q.E.D. 
  • OVARIAN FACTS: 🥚 Egg1 laid 1/22 17:05, Egg2 laid 1/25 16:44, Egg3 laid 1/28 17:43
Pip Watch begins on 3/1. Historically, at this snowy mountaintop location high above Los Angeles and the OC in Southern California, eggs hatch at ~38-39 days. With three eggs it could take a few days longer.

🐣 HATCHING is a long process that may take a few days: [So don't even think of driving up and trying to help the chick be born. Breaking out is part of Nature's process of strengthening its survival chances. The mother isn't picking off the shell, so why would a meddling human hand help?]

DAD: ℹResident Bald Eagle male: Shadow (unbanded) since May 2018. Estimated hatch year: 2014.

MOM: ℹResident Bald Eagle female: Jackie (unbanded) since September 2016. Estimated hatch year: 2012. [So even on the animal plane, guys go for younger chicks?]

🔴 LIVE Recap and Observations: 🔠 Eagle glossary, acronyms, and useful links: 📖 Big Bear eagle history:

🔗 Visit Official FOBBV Facebook Page: fobbv (@FOBBVCAM 2025-02-28)
🔗 Visit Official FOBBV Facebook Group for more pictures and video highlights: fobbv

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