Monday, February 17, 2025

The mind is STUCK in an illusion

The mind is STUCK in an illusion. (It’s so simple to get out, you’ll laugh)
(Solace Fox) The mind is stuck in an illusion — and it doesn’t even realize it. Everything we perceive, think, and believe is shaped by something deeper.

It's Superego to the rescue, Id. Self's an illusion
The truth: the real "you" [if such a thing were actual, but all things being relative, imagine a higher-self and a lower-self  (where egolessness is ultimate truth and "ego" is conventional truth, the latter being the Five Aggregates clung to as self) existing as we walk around as watcher and avatar, as if what we consciously sense is all there were to life, the universe, and everything] is hidden beneath layers of conditioning, thoughts, and false identifications and identities.

  • 00:00 - Your Mind is Trapping You
  • 02:15 - The Invisible Illusion You’re Stuck In
  • 05:30 - How Thoughts Control Your Reality
  • 08:45 - Why You Can’t See the Truth
  • 12:10 - Breaking Free from the Illusion
  • 14:30 - What Happens When You Finally Wake Up
'I' have been swimming in my own imagination.
This video breaks down how the mind creates a false reality (identifying with the Five Aggregates as belonging to us), why most people stay trapped, and how to finally see through the illusion. Staying until the end might change everything for you.

SUBSCRIBE now for free and for more later ► @SolaceFox #mindfulness #ego #purpose #god #selfhelp #motivational #Consciousness #Oneness #Spirituality #Mysticism #Enlightenment #Awakening #awareness #life #motivation #universe. 📌 For some reason, the original got copyrighted, so I had to re-upload this version. Enjoy.
  • Solace Fox, Feb. 7, 2025; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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