Sunday, February 9, 2025

Record shark found: Track it from home

New heart-stopping footage of massive great white shark attack
(CNN) Jeff Kurr, the producer and director of Discovery's "Shark Week," discusses footage his team captured of a great white shark destroying a diver's enclosure. (Discovery and CNN share a corporate parent, Warner Bros. Discovery.)

Florida's waters hide a beast: Record-breaking great white shark discovered offshore
Contender the Shark is the largest great white shark in the world (© Ocearch)
Is Jaws real in Marthas Vineyard?
Scientists have found the largest great white shark ever recorded swimming in the Atlantic Ocean.

[Do they grow bigger in the Pacific Ocean near California, the Mariana Trench, or Hawaii? Years ago, I saw one I'd estimate was one ton and 15 feet from a trawler in Santa Monica Bay as swimmers and surfers frolicked on LA and OC County beaches without a care in the world. This fish was so big, had I fallen from  the rail, it could have swallowed me without chewing like a biblical whale. It was so big and alarming as it surfaced, chasing a halibut, I carefully climbed off the rail as my hair stood on end. This predator was no joke and bigger than Jaws.]

The Great Contender
Shark attacks surged around US beaches in the last year, especially off the coasts of Florida, the Carolinas, and California.

The largest white shark in the Northwest Atlantic, named "Contender," was found off the coast of Georgia on Jan. 17th, 2025. Ocearch, a nonprofit conducting research on sharks, reported that ocean researchers have been tracking Contender's movements around the Atlantic.

Shark enthusiasts can track Contender from home by visiting Ocearch's sharking tracking portal.

Animal plane: Sharks eat dolphins, and dolphins (killer whales) eat sharks

Mom, I hate Disney World! Take me home!
As of Sunday, Contender was swimming off the coast of Florida, near the tourist beaches of Orlando, near Disneyland (Walt Disney World), where kids love to go and cool off.

The shark is measured at 13.8 feet long, weighing an estimated 1,653 pounds. He has swum nearly 200 miles since he was first tagged.

By tracking Contender the researchers will be able to learn more about his migration patterns. The tag will record real time data for the next five years on Contender's movements. More

Are orcas (killer whales/dolphins) apex predators? - How big could a giant squid even be?
Surfers have no idea what danger is lurking.
  • CNN (graphic video), July 24, 2022; Eleanor Tolbert,, 2/9/25; Shauna Schwartz, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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