Sunday, February 2, 2025

On women sowing their wild oats

Marsha, what are you doing dressed like that? What if Greg sees you or you see him with Mom?

Wild Oats mag (adults only)
Many of us love the idea, or perhaps casually entertain the notion, that the choices we make in life will somehow not a play a factor down the road. It's inconvenient for us to think about because it might put the brakes on whatever desires we want to act on in the moment. Let's consider the tradeoffs.

I learned the hard way that life, though unfair at times, is a giant investment firm that rewards us according to our actions. This is my take: Whoring around is not ideal. There, I said it. It's not ideal. Bam, deal with it. It should be avoided at all costs.

I'm not thinking what I'm thinking, am I? For mature audiences only (
In an uptight Western country they did an experiment censored in the US: full frontal nudity on TV.
Hi, I'm wholesome Marcia Brady.
I see the lust in your eyes. Want to get freaky? Why sowing your wild oats is a terrible mental, emotional, and physical investment you will regret all the days of your life except maybe the days you're doing it, and don't think the Judge ain't seeing you do it neither because what if He is, then who's going to regret it?

The all-German ideal of a WASP family

I understand that in our youth, say, between ages 16 and 25 or thereabouts (maybe 13-31 for some) we're at our physical peak, raging with hormones, desiring to have a blast in life before settling and turning ourselves in to start serving a long marriage sentence with family and kids around our mid 20s or early 30s.

Listen, isn't it time to start dating conservative?
I'm not a prude. I'm all for having a blast since our youth is really short and life only offers a one-way ticket to that other thing (nonlife). However, I suggest that whoring around should not be part of the package called a fun life.

Being loose sexually isn't all it's cracked up to be, at least not in the end. All it ever leaves behind is -- well, sure, along with some great memories -- is regret and feeling dirty. Yeah, sure, it feels great in the moment while doing what the body desires, but when its all said and done, we're left holding the short end of the stick. Hear me out.

Maybe we never catch an STI that harms us physically, but mentally and emotionally a promiscuous lifestyle carries a heavy price, a boatload of baggage like heartbreak, infidelity (cheating), distrust, and a lack of intimacy.

Sensitives should think twice about carnal fun.
Once we finish sowing our wild oats and decide it's time for a sweet harvest, I'm saying we will not be reaping oatmilk or drinking the cream of the crop. We will mostly likely be forced to settle for the bottom of the barrel -- rejects, washed up single moms who no one really desires for marriage or a serious relationship as they once did when they were in their prime.

What could be worse than a man in his 40s or 50s with a beer gut who looks like he's carrying twins, balding with a dead-end job? For guys who decide to get a younger woman in her prime to settle down versus a decade or more older, don't think for a second that it's a win just because she's a decade younger. Don't think that she's somehow not from the bottom of the barrel neither.

The cute face she has and the fit body do not play a role in her character, not at all. She won't have a problem being sneaky, blowing a younger stud off behind your back and lying to your face about it with no shame about it at all; not to mention that she deep down desires a physically young looking, fun stud rather than dealing with your E.D. old arse anyways.

Fun now, tears later
Bad tattoo ideas that make it worse
As a self-righteous Christian now, I wish I had had a mentor leading me, teaching me the ways of Lord G and his Word when I was young, in high school or college, so I could be an obedient sheep and not stray or be too black of a sheep murmuring about how everything sucks when we don't get what we want when we want it.

It would have saved me from getting into fun things I had no business getting into like pleasure and relations and drugs and drink and what not.

Hollywood's Jewish SS give us our Nazi ideal?
Like I said in the beginning, our actions are always followed by results, truth and consequences, whether we like it or not. We may not feel the effects right now and right here, in most cases, you know, not all, but most. But believe you me that that vicious dog will catch up to us down the road, years later, and put a mean bite on our rear ends. Eventually it ain't going to be hahaha no more like it once was in the beforetime, the salad days of our youth, when we were having fun.


Don't: Drug-Impaired Driving | NHTSA
The seeds and choices we make and sow or sow and make today will be the harvest of our tomorrows just as surely as the leaf follows the tree, the sun the moon, and the milkshake the cow. Make no mistake. We will bear it all alone or with our spouse, or maybe our friends, and of course our family and companions, and maybe even our workmates and possibly strangers.

Drug-Impaired Driving | NHTSA
We're solely responsible for our life, in addition to all the people around influencing us. In the end, it pays to live and do right by others and by ourselves and not live a sexually loose lifestyle. Not to be too heavy, but take it from me because I partied like The Dickens and had a good old time and am now miserable every day full of regret and shame and punishment by the Judge and forced to write moralizing diatribes to save others from the great heck hole that awaits anyone who dares to even dream of thinking of beginning to ponder doing anything bad. Don't be bad.

Or don't say I didn't tell you so. I could get all preachy and find some Bible quotes that don't really relate directly but you know you shouldn't be doing nothing your granny wouldn't do because they knew how to live back in the good old days unlike now when everything's all loosey goosey and who knows what's going to happen. Take heed, folks, you heard it from me. Word to the wise, guys, don't pee it all away or, alack and alas, the grime reefer awaits with his hand on a jay puffing away like there's no tomorrow and you'll be singing that hippie anthem "Hey hey live for today, sha la la la..." More

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