Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An American in Asia (photos)

"All those who wander are not lost"
- Henry David Thoreau

WALK ABOUT: A Journey of Discovery
After one year of exploration, pilgrimage, meditation, and travel, which began on June 21, 2008, I am back where I started. The same, yet different. May these words and pictures inspire you on your own Walk About...pure spacious awareness and compassion.

Contentment vs Perfection
(Excerpt) I learned to be satisfied with less. This is not exactly the same as settling, though sometimes it is very similar.

It is about cultivating satisfaction and gratitude for what one has. It is not continually striving for better and better, though that would seem to be more useful for fulfillment. In the long run, it is not. If you feel you are settling you will not be content. So it will not bring happiness. In America I taught organizational development and time management. These are truly foreign concepts in rural (the majority of) India.... "Have, have not, no difference." More>>

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