Friday, January 15, 2010

"The Honorable Prince" (Jataka Tale)

Buddhist Birth Story ( Khandahala/Canda-Kumara Jataka
People come to the prince to mediate their disputes; Sakka destroys the royal umbrellas (

In the Kingdom of Pupphavati near Benares, good Prince Canda-Kumara served his father, King Ekaraja, as viceroy. And he became known throughout the realm for his patience and fairness in solving disputes.

In those days, the chief court brahmin priest, named Khandahala, had the ear of the king in all matters, spiritual and temporal. This was unfortunate for the kingdom in general and for Prince Canda in particular.

Khandahala was an unprincipled brahmin priest. An agent for unwholesome forces, he had contrived to be appointed a judge, though he was in no way fair or honest, and was bent on destroying Prince Canda. The prince was the brahmin's natural foe -- for Canda was in fact the Bodhisatta (future buddha) and supported the powers of good in the world.

Now it happened one day that Prince Canda was able to reverse a judgment that Khandahala had made in one case, and thereby restored unjustly seized property to its rightful owners. The news of this good deed spread to the people, and they began to sing the praises of Prince Canda. They called on him continually to act as their mediator.

Eventually the king conferred upon his son the office of judge. Khandahala grew more and more jealous of Prince Canda. He plotted in innumerable ways to get rid of the young prince who had replaced him in the people's affections. He planned revenge he thought would encompass the prince as well as the whole community, which had ceased to pay attention to him.

Before long, he was able to put his scheme into action. One night, King Ekaraja dreamed of a glorious bejeweled heaven populated by celestial beings. When he awoke, he was seized by an overpowering desire to enter this radiant world. More>>

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