Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Dalai Lama on violence: He's for it

The Dalai Lama on violence
The Dalai Lama's message for Armed Forces Day may surprise those who assume him to be a pacifist. The Dalai Lama has sent a message of support for Armed Forces Day, which is next Saturday. In it, he writes of his admiration for the military. That is perhaps not so surprising. As he explains, there are many parallels between being a monk and being a soldier -- the need for discipline, companionship, and inner strength. But his support will take some of his Western admirers by surprise, not least when it comes to his thoughts on non-violence. Is he in the CIA?

Gen. David Petraeus. (AP) Similar reactions to new war commander

America's Afghan and international allies sound off on the choice of Gen. David Petraeus to run the Afghan war. Gen. McChrystal out

In this Jan. 20, 2010 file photo, Gen. Stanley McChrystal is shown in Kabul, Afghanistan (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq) What might be McChrystal's next job

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