Friday, June 25, 2010

Let's kill the whales

FILE - This undated file photo provided by  by Michael Moore of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts shows a sperm whale. Levels

You kill them by throwing plastic bags away (so they get into the sewer and out to the ocean). I'll dump disposable batteries into the trash. When we're done with the whales, maybe we can turn our attention to doing ourselves in. But, of course, killing one species is killing the others, so we don't need to put in much more effort than we're already putting in.

A report released Thursday noted high levels of cadmium, aluminum, chromium, lead, silver, mercury, and titanium in tissue samples taken by dart gun from nearly 1,000 whales over five years. From polar areas to equatorial waters, the whales ingested pollutants that may have been produced by humans thousands of miles away, the researchers said.

"These contaminants, I think, are threatening the human food supply. They certainly are threatening the whales and the other animals that live in the ocean," said biologist Roger Payne... More>>

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