Friday, September 10, 2010

Regret Kills (so stop it)

Deborah King, Ph.D.

Buddhism teaches that guilt and regret are misguided actions. They are, in fact, additional bad karma on top of the act that inspired such brooding in the first place. Solution? New good actions will dilute one's store of past bad ones. What is guilt?

While much of the regret we harbor inside comes from our own actions (infidelities we’ve had, accidents we’ve caused, debt we’ve gotten ourselves into) and things we failed to do (opportunities unexplored, love not shared, forgiveness unspoken, once-in-a-lifetime events not attended), sometimes regret stems from something that has nothing to do with us.

Sometimes it's something we have absolutely no control over or say in. Sometimes regret — feelings of grief, sorrow, and remorse — comes from our exposure to the world’s innumerable tragedies and devastations. According to the mind-body connection, what enters our consciousness also enters the rest of our being. When we take in energy from the outside world, attaching emotions like remorse and sorrow, it has to go somewhere. Unless we release it, which few know how to do, it goes into our body. There it blocks our energy field, causing stagnation and ultimately a physical or mental disease condition.

I hear this complaint all the time at my energy healing workshops. I see the havoc too much empathy is having on people’s lives. So what can we do if we’ve already depleted ourselves to the point of anger and resentment, disempowerment, and/or illness? Click here for simple steps to help pull out of a regretful state and reverse any blockage accumulating in our energetic, emotional, and physical systems!

Eat Pray Love [book better than the movie] Elizabeth Gilbert

Do writers regret making books into movies? Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat Pray Love"

News of the World

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