Friday, September 10, 2010

Healing with Kinesiology and Chiropractic


Guest Dr. Gordon Grobelny (, 877.495.8825), known to his patients as Dr. Gordie, is a board certified professional applied kinesiologist and chiropractor, who also practices cranio-sacral therapy, NLP, and many other cutting-edge healing modalities. Dr. Gordie has been in practice for 20 years, the last 19 in Washington State. He recently opened a new practice in West Los Angeles.

Radio program "Healthy Planet, Healthy Me" discusses applied kinesiology as well as professional applied kinesiology to help those suffering from a wide variety of issues ordinary doctors are unable to effectively heal. Dr. Gordie explains muscle testing and how he has helped thousands of patients with his four-step protocol:
  1. Correcting the Structure
  2. Pointing the Mind
  3. Balancing the Chemistry
  4. Moving the Energy

New concepts and a new movement in quantum physics relates to Dr. Gordie's success in treating and helping heal his patients from all walks of life including athletes such as football player Eric Metcalf, who played in the NFL for 12 years and suffered from great pain prior to being treated by Dr. Gordie. Actress Linda Evans says, “Dr. Gordie has been an integral part of my health and wellness regime for close to 20 years. His knowledge of kinesiology, physiology, nutrition, and energy is as profound as his ability to apply it. He is an authentic professional applied kinesiologist and extraordinary healer.”

It's not by chance that Dr. Gordie had a three month waiting list in Washington State. In celebration of the opening of his new office in West Los Angeles on September 13th, Dr. Gordie offers 2 specials to our Healthy Planet, Healthy Me listeners and KPFK supporters. More>>

A study describing the use of MRI brain scans to track mental maturity is published this week in the journal Science.

Simple Brain Scan Reveals Maturity of Developing Brains
(VOA) A study describing the use of MRI brain scans to track mental maturity is published this week in the journal Science. A simple five-minute session in a brain scanner can accurately measure how far a child's brain has progressed on its path to maturity. Researchers say the brain imaging data can be especially useful in tracking abnormal brain development in adolescents. As the brain matures, neural connections change, and scientists say they can see these connections after a child spends just a few minutes in a high-tech MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging machine. More>>

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