Friday, September 10, 2010

Buddhism's "Higher Teachings" in Daily Life

Abhidharma Online Seminar (FREE, register now)
Buddhism's Abhidharma ("Higher Teaching") is the extraordinarily detailed path to enlightenment -- meditation, psychology, particle physics, other worlds, and magic. The Dharma teachings the venerable nun Sister Susila provides are world-class, focusing on Abhidharma in daily life. Her cutting-edge Powerpoint presentation has been presented in the US, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and elsewhere around the world. Wisdom Quarterly is currently editing the new edition of her practical albeit unedited 2005 book Unraveling the Mysteries of Mind & Body through Abhidhamma.

Taught in English and Mandarin (audio with slide presentation)


Taught in Mandarin Chinese (audios with slides)
(善戒法師開示集)阿毗達摩講座 善戒法師

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