Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Bible's wrong? Last of the Tribe (audio)

(April 8, 2011 air date) When is it time to walk away, and when is it time to run? This week we have the story of an entire country deciding whether to give up on just one of it's citizens, when to hold 'em in order to win nearly a million dollars in poker, and a new story from Dave Dickerson (30 Second Promo - Stream Episode - Free MP3 - LISTEN NOW).

What's wrong with the Christianity of the Bible?
David Ellis Dickerson tells the story of heading home to Tucson after six years away, having rejected the evangelical Christianity of his family. David came prepared for war, armed with new beliefs. But his family had something else in mind. David is author of the memoir House of Cards (11 1/2 minutes, Song: "Christians and Pagans," Dar Williams).

The last member of the Tribe
There's a part of Brazil that was almost all rainforest until the 1970s, and over the next few decades a million people moved in, cutting down the forest and building towns and cities. Monte Reel was the South American correspondent for the Washington Post in the mid 1990s, when he started hearing rumors of a "wild man," the last member of a tribe, who lived completely alone in this area's remaining forest. Reel's book about the quest to find and save this man is called The Last of the Tribe. The book also has a video trailer (14 1/2 minutes, Song: "The Gambler," Elmer).

Alone in the Amazon jungle: the last of his tribe

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