Sunday, April 10, 2011

What's Happening at Against the Stream?

APRIL, 2011
Spring is in the air. Noah Levine's new book, The Heart of the Revolution, became available on April 5th at Dharma Punx in Hollywood and Santa Monica, bookstores, and from

Levine will be signing copies around California (schedule at the He will also be doing some signings at classes (to be announced). Dharma Punx has a monthly Intro to Meditation. New meditators and those wishing a refresher, come to Santa Monica on Saturday afternoon. On April 23, a Women's Group is being re-introduced.

On April 26, JoAnna Harper starts a six-week series called Inside the Precepts in Santa Monica. This is the same class she held last fall. Recommit to the practice.

The first ever East Coast Retreat opens for Registration on April 4! April 23, Women's Group, April 26 Inside the Precepts, April 30 Spring Cleaning at the Melrose Center. For more information on weekly classes, People of Color, LGBTQ, Buddhist [Addiction] Recovery, or other groups and events, visit

Kate Shela and JoAnna Harper team up for a daylong on May 1, Outside In. There is also a Rummage Sale on May 7 in Santa Monica. Stay tuned for info on how to donate your used lovelies. Also in May, the Buddhist Recovery Conference will be hosted. Wes Nisker will visit for a "Weekend with Wes." It will be a half-day retreat ("Be Here Wow"). There will also be a Crazy Wisdom Benefit performance with Pablo Das.

Turn Down that In[t]ernal Racket!
There will be a free screening of "MOMz HOT ROCKs," a feature-length original music documentary on the women of Mamapalooza, mothers with punk rock sensibilities, as part of the Documental Film Series: Unurban Coffeehouse, 3301 Pico Bl., Santa Monica on Monday, April 11, 8:00 pm, FREE (310) 315-0056. It might have been called "In Band With Children" on the women of Mamapalooza. (Edendale Pictures, produced and directed by Kate Perotti).

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