Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Burma: Hillary storms home of "1984" (video)

BBC News; Wisdom Quarterly
US Sec'y of State lands in new capital of Naypyidaw (nationalpost)

She came, she saw, will somebody die?
US Secretary of State [failed US presidential candidate, and Libyan leader denouncer] Hillary Clinton has arrived in Burma on the first visit by such a senior American diplomat in 50 years. Is it 1984?

Mrs. Clinton [wife of former president Bill Clinton] says she is "quite hopeful" that reforms undertaken by the government could lead to a broader "movement for change." She is due to meet Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and President Thein Sein on her two-day visit.

No US politician of her seniority has visited since an army takeover in 1962. Burma has been largely isolated since then, under an autocratic and unpredictable military regime.

The military oversaw elections last year that transferred power to a military-backed, nominally civilian government. But the new government under Thein Sein -- a former general -- has undertaken some steps towards reform. More

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