Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Shame" - gang rape for honor (trailer)

Mukhtar Mai; Skirball Cultural Center;

"Shame" is a fascinating documentary about Mukhtar Mai, an internationally-renowned spokesperson on women’s rights in Pakistan. Mai overcame a horrifying act sanctioned by her local tribal council. She is now a leading educator and force for positive change.

Mai’s remarkable story started in 2002 after she was violently sexually assaulted in retaliation for her brother’s decision to become involved with a girl from a different tribe.

US soldiers involved in mass rape of children, women
Instead of committing suicide as expected, Mai survived this unspeakable crime and took her assailants to court where she won reparations. She used them to build the first schools in her village, repaying those who had betrayed her with kindness. And she founded the Mukhtar Mai Women’s Welfare Organization. More

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