Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Indigenous-Genocide Day! (video)

Native American Day (American Indian Day) is a state holiday in California, established in 1968 to honor Native American cultures and contributions to the state and the US.

Hey, is that the mast of an imperial fleet coming from the sea to invade, rape, and kill us all? What are you talking about? I don't see nothing. (Day-Off)
We laugh, we cry, we joke, we point out irony.
Clashes broke out between state sponsored police and indigenous protesters and their supporters in Chile's capital following a demonstration by thousands marching for indigenous rights on Saturday.

The Santiago Times reports protesters took to Santiago's streets on "Columbus" Day for political self-determination and to protest the government's role in land theft disputes in the country's south.
Genocidal conqueror (
The newspaper adds that while the protest started peacefully, groups of hooded demonstrators [or agent provocateurs sent in by police] vandalized street signs and sidewalks. Riot police answered [the planned provocation] with tear gas and water cannons.

The march was organized by the Mapuches, Chile's largest indigenous group, Al Jazeera notes. According to the Associated Press, the word Mapuche means "people of the land," and the group remains among those fighting for independence despite many Indian groups ending resistance to the Spanish [imperial] conquest in the late 19th century. 

"Look what I discovered!" "How awkward." Columbus Day invasion (
"Today is NOT a day to celebrate. It is a day to condemn and repudiate all the abuses that we’ve suffered for more than 500 years," one protester said, according to Democracy Now!

"We’re here today to tell the Chilean state and current government that we shall resist, that we shall be in defense and in resistance to what’s happening in the (Mapuche) territory."

In Chile, thousands of Mapuche indigenous people and their supporters took to the streets of the capital Santiago in an anti-Columbus Day march Saturday. The Mapuche are Chile’s largest indigenous group. They are calling for the return of ancestral lands and an end to the targeting of Mapuche activists under a supposed "anti-terrorism" law. One protester condemned the day marking 521 years since Christopher (Cristobal) Columbus’s arrival in the Americas. Meulen Huencho: "Today is not a day to celebrate.... More

Columbus invaded the future US in 1492 (CT)
Chile has used a controversial anti-terrorism law instituted under Gen. Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship to prosecute Mapuche Indians. The government accuses indigenous groups of using violence in their struggle to recover ancestral land.
According to U.N. special investigator on human rights and counter-terrorism Ben Emmerson, Chile's government has used the law to discriminate against the Mapuche. More + Video

Indigenous People's Day
Wisdom Quarterly (Wikipedia edit)
Almost any holiday is a good holiday if it means a day off (
Indigenous People's Day (also known as NATIVE AMERICAN DAY) is a holiday celebrated in various localities in the United States.

It was begun as a counter-celebration to the implicitly racist, imperialist, genocide-celebrating Columbus Day. Its purpose is to promote Native American culture and commemorate the history of the Native peoples of the Americas. The celebration began in Berkeley, California and Denver, Colorado as a socially and historically conscious alternative to Columbus Day, which is listed as a federal holiday in the United States but in protest is not observed as a state holiday in every state.

Queen, I'll conquer and enslave "India"...
Indigenous People's Day is usually held on the second Monday of October, coinciding with the federal government's official observance. The idea of replacing Columbus Day with a day celebrating the indigenous people of North America first arose in 1977 from the International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the Americas, sponsored by the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1990, at the First Continental Conference on 500 Years of Indian Resistance in Quito, Ecuador... More

Couldn't see the mass murderers coming?
David Hambling ("I See No Ships: Questioning Perceptual Blindness,"
European explorers found indigenous peoples unable to see their tall ships -- or did they? Are people blind to unexplained phenomena because their brains simply can’t handle anything they don’t understand? This story, quoted in social science circles and popular with New Agers, was repeated in the recent film What The Bleep Do We Know? – “When the tall European ships first approached the early Native Americans, it was such an ‘impossible’ vision in their reality that their highly filtered perceptions couldn’t register what was happening, and they literally failed to ‘see’ the ships.” More

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