Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Graham Hancock: amazing discoveries (video)

Graham Hancock (News, Feb. 24, 2014); Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly

11,000-year-old settlement found under Baltic Sea
Evidence of a Stone Age settlement that may have been swallowed whole by the Baltic Sea has resurfaced near Sweden, revealing a collection of well-preserved artifacts left by nomads some 11,000 years ago.

Dubbed by the local press “Sweden's Atlantis” after the fabled island which, according to the Greek philosopher Plato, sank around 9600 B.C. in the Atlantic Ocean, the newly discovered site was in fact some sort of dump in which nomadic Swedes discarded objects, according to a report by the Swedish daily The Local. More

(Knowledge Center) Sunken Civilizations: Secrets of Underwater Lost Cities Underwater

Grainy digital images presented as evidence of structures constructed on the 400C surface of Mercury
First it was the face on Mars. Then it was the Nazis on the Moon. Now is it buildings on the surface of Mercury? One UFO expert is convinced NASA photos show a city on the red-hot planet’s surface.
UFO Sightings Daily author Scott Waring is set to sell more books after revealing what he claims are recently built structures “without breaks or fissures and clean with no dirt of dust blanketing them over time, which tells me…they are occupied.” More

Source of Stonehenge bluestone rocks identified 
Scientists have found the exact source of Stonehenge's smaller bluestones, new research suggests.

The stones' rock composition revealed they come from a nearby outcropping, located about 1.8 miles (3 km) away from the site originally proposed as the source of such rocks nearly a century ago. The discovery of the rock's origin, in turn, could help archaeologists one day unlock the mystery of how the stones got to Stonehenge. More

"Microbial Pompeii": 1,000-year-old plaque preserves bacteria, microscopic particles of food
A "microbial Pompeii" has been discovered, preserved on the teeth of skeletons which are around 1,000 years old. A research team discovered that the ancient human oral cavity carries numerous opportunistic pathogens and that periodontal disease is caused by the same bacteria today as in the past, despite major changes in human diet and hygiene. More

Early Christians in Viking Denmark
Excavations at the Domskirke in Ribe, Denmark, began in 2008, and analysis of the results lend new insight into early Christianity, where this may have been one of the first places in the country where a small enclave of Christians worshipped and died.

Studies have now shown that there may have been Christian Vikings in Ribe around 865 A.D. Denmark officially became a Christian country around the year 965 A.D. when Harald Bluetooth announced his deed on the Jelling stone. More

People who believe HELL are less happy
Fire, brimstone, eternal-seeming suffering -- hell is not a pleasant concept. But research has pointed to the societal benefits of a belief in supernatural punishment, including higher economic growth in developing countries and less crime.

But there are also drawbacks, even in this life. A new study links believing in hell, and perhaps even thinking about it, with lower levels of happiness and satisfaction in life. More

A Guide to Psychoactive Plants in the Bible
Holy Anointing Oil (Leviticus 10:6) - Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment (Exodus 29:7). Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and pour it upon his head and anoint himMore

After 400 years, mathematicians find new class of solid shapes
The work of the Greek polymath Plato has kept millions of people busy for millennia. A few among them have been mathematicians who have obsessed about Platonic solids, a class of geometric forms that are highly regular and are commonly found in nature. More

Hundreds of tiny satellites could soon deliver free [government-Google spying and] Internet worldwide
Developers say they are less than a year away from deploying prototype satellites that could someday soon broadcast free and universal Internet all over the globe from high in orbit.

The “Outernet” project being bankrolled by the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) of New York is currently in the midst of conducting technical assessment of the project. More

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