Friday, February 21, 2014

I am a Ukrainian girl (video)

This clip is being called “a must-see video of a Ukrainian girl asking the world for help against [police] oppression and corruption.” It has gone viral and left an impression on millions of people. Here is a brief description from the Facebook page linked to the video on YouTube:
Russia's Putin is to blame! (
This is Yulia. She is a post-graduate student in literature. After the first people were killed on Hrushevskogo St., she posted about it on Facebook. She felt like screaming about every- thing that had been happening in [Ukraine].
How are democratic citizens supposed to react?
(Kostyantyn Chernichkin/
Her friend suggested to make the video of the same statement for more people to see and hear her. They made the video on Hrushevskogo next to the destroyed makeshift hospital. It was very cold then and her speech is uneven sometimes.” I wanted to show that here I am -- a person. If you say there are radicals and terrorists in our streets, then I am a terrorist too,” explains Yulia.
Life in Kiev, Ukraine before police and military began killing civilians

Pussy Riot whipped, beaten, tear gassed by Russian police in Sochi

The head of the Udar (Punch) party Vitali Klitschko speaks to a man as anti-government protesters gather on Independence Square (Maidan) in Kiev on February 21, 2014. Pres. Yanukovych and three main opposition leaders signed a deal to end three-month crisis over the ex-Soviet country's future that has led to ~100 murders by police (AFP/Bulent Kilic).

This deal helps [Ukrainian President] Yanukovych, who can now get the support of Putin's KGB as Pres. Putin will no longer be busy with Sochi [and the Winter Olympics]. If I were a Ukrainian then I would keep the protest going until Yanukovych is finally out and not replaced by another Putin puppet. If Ukrainians do not win now then they will ALWAYS be under Putin's KGB dictatorship. - Donovan Pullen (Afrikaanse Hoër Seunskool)
Protesters threaten violence if Ukraine's Pres. Yanukovych does not resign now (Kyiv Post)

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