Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Study: cheese, meat, eggs = Cancer (audio)

Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly
Vegan beauty Alicia Silverstone wants moms to loan their breasts (news.softpedia.com)

Winner: "Best Vegan Pizza" using melting, dairy-free Daiya cheese (peta.org)
One Burger King Triple Whopper has 49 grams of dead animal protein, which is the maximum recommended daily total for a 130-pound adult (Joe Raedle/Getty Images).
Big Macs are made of cancer-causing flesh.
Middle-aged people with diets high in animal flesh protein -- such as meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and cheese -- face a dramatically increased risk of dying from cancer compared with those who eat low animal protein diets, according to a University of Southern California study published today in the journal Cell Metabolism.

If only cows lived on a compassionate planet
The study found 50 to 65-year-olds who consumed a "high-protein" diet -- meaning they got 20 percent or more of their calories from animal sources of protein -- were four times more likely to die from cancer, compared with those who consumed less than 10 percent of their daily calories in animal protein.
Lines at Vegan Pizza Contest, Animal Advocacy Museum, Throop UU, summer 2013 (WQ)
Vegan pizza rules (WQ)
A press release accompanying the study called that "a mortality risk factor comparable to smoking." The risk of early death from all causes soared by 74 percent among the high-protein consumers, researchers found.
But the picture changes for those over 65. For them, it appears that a moderate-to-high protein diet [not necessarily from animal sources] actually reduces cancer and overall mortality and is helpful in preventing age-dependent weight loss and malnourishment.
Researchers focused their study on a national cross-section of 6,381 people 50 and older who were tracked for nearly 20 years.
They also found that among all the age groups studied, a diet high in animal protein increases insulin production and the risk of dying from diabetes-related causes.
The higher risk of cancer and overall death among the middle-aged and the increase in diabetes deaths were "either abolished or attenuated if the proteins were plant derived," the study said.
Go veg for bliss (WQ/Larson)
Various health agencies recommend that daily intake of animal protein should be about 0.8 grams per kilogram. So a 130-pound adult should eat [no more than] between 45 and 50 grams of animal protein per day. A 160-pound adult should eat between 60 and 65 grams per day.
How much protein is that? It sounds like a lot. Here is some help in calculating:
Los Angeles bans e-cigarettes in smoke-free areas
Electronic cigarettes will be prohibited in L.A. parks, restaurants, and "meat-market" pick up bars under an ordinance approved today (3-4-14) by the Los Angeles City Council.

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