Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Blood Moon lunar eclipse (video)

CC Liu and Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly; via SCPR.org)

 The "blood moon" as seen from Koreatown, west of Los Angeles, early Tuesday. The next total eclipse of our Moon comes on Oct. 8.

Here we are above America's "Tinsel Town," Hollywood. There were "whistles, cheers, and howls" early Tuesday on the grounds of the Griffith Park Observatory in Los Angeles as the Moon turned red during the total lunar eclipse

As the Los Angeles Times adds,  "Telescopes dotting the lawn pointed upward and southward, as the moon hovered above the observatory," and visitors who had packed the grassy lawn "scrambled toward the front of Griffith Observatory, pointing up at the reddening moon." 

Chandra in color (clivejames.com)

The view was great across much of the Americas, although clouds interfered in parts of the eastern U.S.

NPR affiliate KPCC FM previewed the event on Monday. During the event, NASA hosted a live chat and posted video of the eclipse here.

Reminder: Didn't get out to see this eclipse or clouds got in the way? No worries. There are three more eclipses coming in the next year and a half on: October 8, 2014; April 4, 2015; and September 28, 2015. More

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