Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Chilling documentary: Koch Brothers Exposed!

Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly; Amy Goodman, Gonzalez (DN!, 5-21-14)

There is a chilling new documentary about the billionaire Koch Brothers (focusing on David and Charles although there are five). And some Republicans do not want people to see it.

On Monday, Republican Rep. Candice Miller of Michigan tried to block an event at the Capitol unveiling the film, "Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition." 

Miller claimed the documentary could violate House rules and "cross the line into partisan politics." She unsuccessfully argued that showing the documentary was an inappropriate use of taxpayer-funded facilities.

Group helps fund right wing agenda
On Tuesday evening, the film event proceeded as planned. The updated documentary shows how the Koch Brothers have used their vast [multi-billion dollar] fortunes to oppose government programs such as: Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, as well as obstruct efforts to raise the minimum wage, tackle climate change, and expand voting rights.

Director Robert Greenwald, founder and president of Brave New Films, appeared on Democracy Now! to discuss the film. More
Behind the Koch Brothers: Secrets of US’s Most Powerful Dynasty

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