Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Best Thing About Being a Girl! (video)

Amber Larson, Ashley Wells, Seven, Crystal Quintero, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly

U.S. model before and after Photoshop
Like I guess it would be the way you can be cute and like wear makeup and like, you know, I don't know, just like be yourself but cute and with makeup and, yeah, that's the best thing!

Oh, and being paid by ginormous corporate sponsors to harm the image of chicks and like everybody else, that's pretty cool, too! Can we, like, go to Sephora now?

(NET) Gender stereotyping promotes sexism thanks to Disney and its corporate fortunes

OMG! :-O
Media images of females sank to new lows in the U.S. in the last year for which data is available. The usual suspects are responsible -- Disney Corp., the Associated Press (AP), Hollywood moguls, the porn industry, gentleman's clubs, marketers, PR firms, modeling agencies, and maybe us.

Tori Amos' song for Wes Anderson (npr.og)
Of course WQ is to blame, too, but by "us" we mean it in the larger sense of the U.S. population. We are the consumers, and corporations claim the demanders of such images, TV portrayals, and gender stereotypes. One day FEMEN will come to these shores from the Ukraine, and it'll be death to the patriarchy.  Until then, at the very least, one ought to avoid the Beverly Hills Hotel as we ignore the women we injure and cast aspersions at brutal multi-billionaires like the sexist Sultan of Brunei.
Brunei law on gays, women sparks Beverly Hills Hotel boycott
Who knew mere multi-millionaires cared?
Jay Leno, Ellen DeGeneres, and others protested outside the Beverly Hills Hotel, owned by the sexist/misogynist and patriarchal Sultan of Brunei (who is worth 20 billion) -- the first ruler to establish Sharia Law in S.E. Asia... (L.A. Now) Brunei law on women and gays sparks Beverly Hills Hotel boycott
Our Brains on Porn
Hank talks about something or other then finally gets to the sex at Minute 4:14. Fast forward. 

Jean Kilbourne asks... hot or not?
A brain on porn has a lot in common with a brain on religion. They both make part of the anxious brain turn off, at least in women, according to the Journal of Sexual Medicine and Dutch physicians. There is no "GOD spot," claims Hank, but in the bedroom he could be proven wrong. In addition to space talk, this short episode touches on: synthetic biology, XNA (xenonucleic acids), polymerase, evolution, evolve, religion, porn, pornography, journal of sexual medicine, brain, sexual arousal, anxiety, sex, religion, spirituality, parietal lobe, and the brain's GOD spot. More
Killing Us Softly

After all, what are BOOBS for?
In this highly anticipated update of her pioneering "Killing Us Softly" series, Jean Kilbourne takes a fresh look at how advertising traffics in distorted and destructive ideals of femininity.

This simultaneously defines or alter-casts destructive norms of masculinity as opposite or separate rather than cooperative and united. All whole humans are both feminine and masculine.

The film marshals a range of new print and television advertisements to lay bare a stunning pattern of damaging gender stereotypes -- images and messages that too often reinforce unrealistic and unhealthy perceptions of beauty, perfection, and sexuality.
For porn and selling clothes. D'uh. Obviously!
By bringing Kilbourne's groundbreaking analysis up to date, Killing Us Softly 4 challenges a new generation of students to take advertising seriously and to think critically about popular culture and its relationship to sexism, eating disorders, and gender violence.

Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D. is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking work on the image of women in advertising and for her critical studies of alcohol and tobacco advertising. In the late 1960s she began her exploration of the connection between advertising and several public health issues, including violence against women, eating disorders, and addiction, and launched a movement to promote media literacy as a way to end and prevent these problems.

A radical and original idea at the time, this approach is now mainstream and an integral part of most prevention programs. Her films, lectures, and TV appearances have been seen by millions throughout the world. 

Kilbourne was named by The New York Times Magazine one of the three most popular speakers on college campuses. She is the creator of the renowned "Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women" film series and the author of the award-winning book Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel and co-author of So Sexy So Soon: The New Sexualized Childhood and What Parents Can Do to Protect Their Kids.

News of the Day
SEXY VIDEO: How the Media failed women in 2013 
SCI SHOW VIDEO: The Teenage Brain (sex hormones)
SCIENCE VIDEO: Making human/animal monsters
SCI SHOW VIDEO: How to save the planet (from us)
Supreme Court removes separation of church and state, allows (offensive, exclusively Christian) prayer at town council meetings
Dozens killed in Slovyansk as Ukraine continues assault 
White House pressures CEOs not to attend talks in Russia 
Nigeria: Fake "Boko Haram" to sell abducted schoolgirls 
Occupy Wall St. activist Cecily McMillan guilty of assault 
U.S. to impose sanctions on both sides of South Sudan conflict 
U.S. recognizes Syrian opposition offices as foreign mission 
U.S. unveils 10-year deal with Djibouti, site of key drone base 
Philippines, US launch military drills; Filipinos protest troop deal 
Ex-deputy nuclear weapons cmdr reprimanded in gambling case 
Report: NRA, restaurant lobby monitored fast food protests
Sheriff candidates urge supervisors to delay jail expansion plan
Cornel West speaks at against solitary-confinement in NY

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