Monday, August 25, 2014

CARTOONS: Police are good, except (you know)

Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly;; LA Times;; Stephanie McMillan; SCPR
We're spying on you for your own good, dummy, because now it is 1984 (TMW).
"It's excessive force, stupid" (Soren, 2014,
"Don't worry, folks!" Police do whatever judges allow them to get away with (McMillan).
CHP outlines possible charges against officer in senseless freeway beating of helpless, elderly woman
(VIDEO) California Highway Patrol Officer Beating Woman in the Head on Side of Road
Obey me, b-tch, obey me, obey me, obey!
(SCPR) The case, which has attracted national attention, sparked outrage from civil rights activists. They call it a clear case of excessive use of force by armed police against unarmed citizens. Police are allowed even encouraged to be criminally violent. Are police beating helpless civilians to fuel their fun and machismo? They are trained to use excessive for while working in the jail system and the pre-jail system informally referred to as "the hood" (economically depressed ethnic ghettos and barrios)?

CNN source: Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson ‘Unequivocally’ Did Not Suffer Eye Socket Fracture
What's the big deal? He was black!
CNN on Thursday, citing an anonymous source close to the investigation, reported that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson did not suffer a fractured eye socket prior to fatally shooting [and murdering] 18-year-old Michael Brown earlier this month. The report directly contradicts a recent Fox News story, which also cites an anonymous source “close to the [police] department’s top brass.” More

Ex-L.A. sheriff's deputy arrested for child pornography
Robert J. Lopez (, Aug. 21, 2014)
Maybe he was just shopping at Amer App?
Former deputy Lorne Reed [who allegedly committed sexual crimes against children while working as an L.A. sheriff's deputy] was arrested. He is accused of using the Internet to distribute child pornography.

 A former sheriff's deputy was arrested on suspicion of circulating child Internet pornography, authorities said Wednesday night.
Deputy Lorne Reed, 32, was taken into custody after authorities with a multiagency task force served a search warrant Wednesday at his Santa Fe Springs home, according to the LAPD. He resigned before his arrest. Reed's two children were home at the time [Daddy, why are your co-workers taking you away in handcuffs?] and were turned over to the county's Department of Children and Family Services. [Daddy, why are the bad men taking us away, too?!]

Hi, Officer Friendly! - Hey, kids, wanna be in movies?
LAPD officials said an investigation was launched in April after Officer Reed was suspected of using the Internet to distribute child pornography. The task force includes local police and federal agents who investigate allegations against people who use the Internet to contact children or share child porn.
Officer Reed [who was asked and agreed to resign] from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department in February 2013, an agency spokesperson said. But she had no additional details [at least none she wanted to disclose] regarding the resignation. Reed was being held in lieu of $20,000 at the LAPD's Metro Jail Division. More

Riots in Ferguson as distrust of police grows
André Coleman (Breaking Points, Pasadena Weekly, 8/21/14); edited by Wisdom Quarterly
Breaking Points

As "rioting" continued for a second week in Ferguson, Missouri, and a recent ACLU report released two weeks ago is making the militarization of police a national concern, the mother of an unarmed black teenager who was murdered by Pasadena police criticized the arms buildup. And she is calling for an end to the targeting of blacks and Latinos by law enforcement agencies.

In Ferguson, located about 12 miles northwest of St. Louis, demonstrations broke out on Aug. 10 after six-year veteran police Officer Darren Wilson shot unarmed Michael Brown, 18. According to a witness, Brown had his hands in the air when he was [executed] by Wilson.

Strange Fruit in Ferguson, Missouri (
( - For many politicians, Ferguson isn't happening (
According to famed forensic pathologist Michael Baden, who was working for Brown family to try to get an objective autopsy [untainted by a police cover up, which he was kept from completing because he was DENIED clothing to analyze and tissue samples for independent forensic tests], the teenager was shot six times -- twice in the head and four times in the arm [possibly in a surrendering or self-defensive posture], with one of those shots entering the top his skull. The Justice Department is planning to conduct a third autopsy on the youth. More

Met the new boss, same as the old boss. Maybe it's the two-party system that lies to us?

(SCPR/AP) Police said Tuesday that two teenage students, one 17 and one 16, “confirmed very cold-heartedly in the investigation” that they were planning a shooting at the school.
Soren "Wildfire Weenies." Only someone else can prevent forest fires (
Modern Lynching
It's a sick, sad world, Daria. -  I know, Jane.
As we bury Michael Brown today, the unarmed teenager murdered by Ferguson Police Officer/Killer Cop Darren Wilson -- and mourn the loss of another American to police state violence as the streets are quiet out of respect for the family but still swarming with militant troops itching to stir up violent confrontations to crush, maybe it's time we recollect this country's history of lynchings. Shooting black and brown men to death seems to be modern form of the same racism and fear. Are we supporting police with a wink, a nod, to silent-confirmation who then kill in our name?
Sister in the Struggle:
Remembering anti-lynching activist Elisabeth Freeman
Matt Hormann (, 8/21/14)

Obama, can you and Holder do something?
A few years ago, I was browsing the American History section at the LA Central Library when a title jumped out at me: The First Waco Horror: The Lynching of Jesse Washington and the Rise of the NAACP. The cover was an eye-catching solid black with tendrils of flame licking around the text, giving the impression that perhaps the book was about some great fire that happened long ago. But the title suggested something more ominous. At the time, I had recently finished a book about the 1921 race riots in Tulsa, Oklahoma, an incident in which the black district of the city was burned to the ground by [racist] white mobs. As I was to learn, fire played a role in this story too.  I’ve always been drawn to what the historian Adam Hochschild calls “times and places when people felt a moral imperative to confront evil,” and as I pulled the book from the shelf and began to peruse it, the story drew me in with an almost magnetic pull. More
We volunteer to kill and be killed for capitalists? While they cheat everyone in the country?
"This Modern World." Dick and Barry are related. (Tom Tomorrow,
Options? Yeah, how 'bout you shut the he// up, G.I., well I conduct business as usual?

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