Friday, August 1, 2014

Love? It's Ultraviolence! (sutra)

Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, Amber Larson, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Lana Del Rey; Korn

Lana-of-the-King, when did he stop treating you like a princess?
(BBC, June 28, 2014) Devi Lana Del Rey performs "Ultraviolence" at Glastonbury 2014. For more exclusive videos and photos from the show, go to
(Psst, Lana, the Lorde says your music sucks and is bad for girls to listen to, like, a bad influence keeping them waiting for some "Prince Charming"). 

"He used to call me DN/ That stood for Deadly Nightshade/ Cause I was filled with poison/ But blessed with beauty and rage/ Jim told me that./ He hit me, and it felt like a kiss./ Jim brought me back/ Reminded me of when we were kids/ With his Ultraviolence Ultraviolence Ultraviolence Ultraviolence/ I can hear sirens, sirens/ He hit me, and it felt like a kiss/ I can hear violins, violins/ Give me all of that Ultraviolence/ He used to call me poison/ Like I was poison ivy/ I could have died right there/ Cause he was right beside me/ Jim raised me up/ He hurt me, but it felt like true love/ Jim taught me that/ Loving him was never enough/

(Clockwork Orange) England, Germany, USA, Israel, the "West"
loves killing on an industrial scale. It's ultra-violence.

Zombies: abused learn to abuse.
We could go back to New York/ Loving you was really hard/ We could go back to Woodstock/ Where they don't know who we are/ Heaven is on Earth/ I would do anything for you, babe/ Blessed is this union/ Crying tears of gold like lemonade/ I love you the first time/ I love you the last time/ Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lies/ Cause I'm your jazz singer/ And you're my cult leader/ I love you forever/ I love you forever/ With his Ultraviolence (Lay me down tonight)/ Ultraviolence (In my linen and curls)/ Ultraviolence (Lay me down tonight)/ Ultraviolence (Riviera Girls)/ I can hear sirens, sirens/ He hit me, and it felt like a kiss/ I can hear violins, violins/ Give me all of that Ultraviolence...

(Korn/"Thoughtless") Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies/ Pushing all the mercy down, down, down/ I wanna see you try to take a swing at me/ Come on, gonna put you on the ground, ground, ground/ Why are you trying to make fun of me?/ You think it's funny?/ What the 'uck do you think it's doing to me?/ You take your turn lashing out at me/ I want you crying with your dirty a-s in front of me/ All of my hate cannot be found/ I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming/ So you can try to tear me down/ Beat me to the ground/ I will see you screaming/ Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies/ I'm above you, smiling at you, drown, drown, drown/ I wanna kill and 'ape you the way you 'aped me/ And I'll pull the trigger/ And you're down, down, down// All of my friends are gone, they died (Gonna take you down)/ They all screamed and cried (Gonna take you down)/ I've got my body, got my body back against the wall/ I've got my body, got my body back against the wall/ Gonna take you down...

(Evanesence/"Thoughtless" live at Rock am Ring (Germany)

Maybe in the future women won't stand or fall for it? So long as the mainstream media defines our "feminist" or "progressive" views, the status quo is likely to remain largely unchanged. The TV is not our friend. We have to think and question and search for answers. They rarely come prepackaged with nice bows on top.

(Diamante) Hey, Jim, you got a kiss for me? I'll "Bite Your Kiss"!

Sutra: The Abusive Brahmin Husband
Acharya Buddharakkhita edited by Wisdom Quarterly from Positive Response: How to Meet Evil With Good, Akkosa Sutta (SN VII.2)
Hey, you bald-pated offspring of..!
Thus have I heard. Once the Buddha was staying in a sylvan grove nestled in the foothills surrounding Magadha's capital city of Rajagaha (modern Rajgir). This royal pleasure garden just outside of the gated city, known as the Bamboo Grove (Veluvana), was offered to the Buddha by his great patron, King Bimbisara, who was delighted to have such a remarkable sage nearby.

The king built a monastic residence just outside of the gate -- equipping it with a large number of meditation huts, where at least 1,250 monastics stayed and countless more lay devotees, spending their time in meditation, hearing the Dharma, and intense spiritual endeavor. The Bamboo Grove was neither too far nor too near the city, but at just the right distance from it for the large number of devotees who flocked there every morning and evening to pay homage to the Enlightened One.

Practicing leads to mind/heart's freedom!
A certain Brahmin (India's high caste, priestly class, social elites) belonging to the Bharadvaja clan had a great prejudice against the Buddha since he thought a member of the nobility (warrior caste, kshatriya) had claimed to be a saint.

Yet as it happened, the Brahmin's wife was a great devotee of the Buddha. On a certain festival day when everybody, including his wife, had gone to the Bamboo Grove hermitage to hear a discourse (sutra), the Brahmin, coming to know of it, became furious.

Fuming with rage, he rushed to the Bamboo Grove to give both his wife and the Buddha a piece of his mind. He forced his way through the crowd and began shouting foul abuse. He headed straight to where the Buddha was seated. People were aghast. Even the presence of the king, nobles, and ministers did not deter the enraged Brahmin from reviling the Buddha to his face.

When the Buddha remained completely undisturbed, radiating powerful feelings/thoughts of loving-kindness, the Brahmin stopped abusing him. But he was still aggrieved.

Then the Buddha asked him in a kind and gentle voice full of friendliness: "Friend, if somebody visits you, and you offer food which that person declines, who gets that food?"

"If the visitor does not accept what I offer, I will get it back because I offered it."

Then the Buddha came to his point: "If I do not accept your abuse, to whom will it return?"

The Brahmin was so moved by the tremendous implication of this analogy that he fell at the feet of the Buddha and sought to be ordained as a Buddhist monk. Soon after his ordination, depending on the Buddha's instruction for his path-of-practice, the Brahmin attained full enlightenment. The Buddha had transformed him by his positive approach. More

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