Friday, September 26, 2014

Hemis Monastery: Main ALTAR Room

CC Liu, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Twiga_269/flickr (ॐ FEMEN); William Henry
Colorful walls and murals of Hemis Gompa with visions of stylized unseen beings
Himalayas: Hemis golden Buddha lovingly wrapped in prayer flags (twiga_269)
Hemis Monastery: Main Prayer Room Hemis Monastery (twiga_269/
Why do they call it an "altar"? It is, according to William Henry, because this special place has the power to alter the individual who stands in it. One enters an altered state and is altered. In ancient Egypt there were special altar stones (i.e., red granite) key in this transformation.

LADAKH, J&K, India - Hemis Monastery: Main Prayer Room Hemis Monastery is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery (gompa) of the Drukpa Lineage, located in Hemis, 45 km from the local capital of Leh, Ladakh, Buddhist India. The monastery was re-established in 1672 by the Ladakhi King Sengge Namgyal. The annual Hemis festival honoring Padmasambhava is held here in early June. More + Photos

Lama's desk: swastika (akasha deva Vril symbol) rug, skull hand drum, cash money, vajra, bell yoni, chant book, incense bowl, Vajrayana Buddhism-Bon shamanism (Twiga_269/WQ)
Arriving at Hemis Gompa, Ladakh, India (twiga_269/
Altered by Altar Stones?
William Henry (
Energy centers: the great pyramids of the Giza Plain, Egypt (
It is an impressive fact that Nashville, Tennessee, my home, is the only city in the world that has reinterpretations of two mythic temples from antiquity. Both are among the finest in existence.
One temple is the “Queen of Heaven” Athena’s Parthenon, “Virgin-temple,” 438 B.C., Athens, Greece.
Sumer and Sumeru are connected (WQ)
The other is a $55 million 2,200-foot long rod laid out and growing on 19 acres. By a masterstroke of synchronicity, it is patterned like the world axis, Mount Meru [Sumeru, the Axis Mundi], the cosmic pillar or axis at the center of the world ascended by [the] Buddha and known throughout the ages as the model for all Trees of Life....

The Nashville gilgal’s [a circle of stones, usually 12] floor is made of red, white, and blue granite that sparkles in the sunlight. That’s because, as researchers such as Christopher Dunn and Freddy Silva note, red granite is loaded with quartz crystal. This "firestone" is a formidable conductor of energy, which is why it is the tuner of choice of the ancient stone workers of Egypt and Britain. (Remember, after all, Meru is described as an antenna).
  • Buddhism's great Sumeru (Mt. Meru) was an antenna?
Granite is considered a masculine stone. Limestone, which is associated with water, is considered to have feminine properties. Together, the granite floor and limestone pillars charge the Court of Three Stars with positive and negative polarity, just like an electrical circuit.
Etched into this granite "tuner" is a trinity of 15-foot wide pentacles -- a protective symbol known as Solomon’s Seal…and the star of Ishtar or Athena. At their center is the logo for Tennessee, a triceps, a triangle or trinity formed of three diamonds. One of the most powerful ancient symbols, the triceps is an ancient Nordic symbol of divine force, power, and protection.

It symbolizes the A U M trinity. It matches the alchemical symbol called the caput mortum, the skull or death’s head, the starting point for Enki’s alchemical work of transforming a human -- the impure or base metal -- into pure gold. More

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