Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pursuing Happiness with the Dalai Lama (video)

Dhr. Seven and Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; Krista Tippett (, 9-25-14)
"Then in that sense it can be said that all of Buddhism is jihad" - Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama, Krista Tippett, etc. (Bryan Meltz/Emory Photo/, 9-25-14)
We can choose happiness (S-A)
The Dalai Lama XIV seems to many to embody happiness -- happiness against the odds [Chinese oppression, invasion, genocide, and propaganda], a virtue that is acquired and practiced.

Religion = a daily practice.
Before a live audience in Atlanta, Georgia, On Being/Speaking of Faith's Krista Tippett had a rare opportunity to mull over the meaning of happiness in contemporary life with the head prelate [a kind of "pope"] of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism, the 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) who now lives in exile in Dharamsala, India. Assisting is Thupten Jinpa, the Dalai Lama's English translator.

14th Dalai Lama on Al Jazeera America
Also contributing to the conversation are three global spiritual leaders: Muslim scholar Seyyed Hossein Nasr (George Washington Univ., D.C.), former chief Jewish rabbi Prof. Johnathan Sacks (King's College, London), and presiding Episcopalian Bishop and Primate (yes, primate) the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori (Episcopal Church Center, NY). An invigorating and unpredictable discussion ensues exploring the themes of suffering (dukkha), beauty, and the nature of the human body. More

The 14th Dalai Lama with his government-in-exile in India has a website:

Can different religions date and marry?
(NBC/Today Show/ Naomi Schaefer Riley, author of Got Religion? and New York Post journalist, talks about the rise of interfaith relationships and marriage in the USA.
Actor Emma Watson, Feminist, Activist
(OB/9-26-14) Emma Watson's challenging and inspirational speech creates an opening for On Being's senior producer Lily Percy to reflect, reframe, and reclaim her sense of feminism.

Math is a Religion (Calvin and Hobbes/

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