Sunday, October 26, 2014

Halloween RIOT at Keene State College (video)

Grumpy Cat jack-o-lantern (huffpost)
KEENE STATE COLLEGE, New Hampshire - Note to self, a police state will not tolerate college parties or Dionysus worship. Case in point, police in riot gear shot pepper spray paint balls at Keene State College students in Keene, New Hampshire. Happy Halloween, kids! Run for the pumpkin patch! Students then tore down street signs and threw beer bottles at police aggressors during the incident. One student was thrown to the ground. The entire event happened just a block from Keene's annual Pumpkin Festival. But the organizer was not going to stand for local media reporting that. Filmed Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 4:15 pm and featured on NBC Nightly News on October 19, 2014.

(TYT) CSUN's Prof. Kasparian on pumpkin patches at Keene State College

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