Wednesday, October 8, 2014

You're more "gutsy" than beautiful! (video)

Ven. Nyanatusita (Google+); Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly (Nuclear Rabbit) "My Girl's Got Guts" from the album "Intestinal Fortitude" (Beach Records)
This is the most revealing bathing suit yet. It's called the ”Guts Swimsuit.” The manufacturer says it is to “show…that you've got guts.” And you'll need them to let people see this much of you, the real you, in the raw more than the buff. Seems that the Buddha's teachings on how to mindfully contemplate the body (kaya-annusati) for liberating insight are finally catching on among fashionistas. One wearer wrote that she wore it at Dr. Von Hagen's "Body Worlds Exhibit" and got many compliments. But that's a figuratively enlightened crowd down at the museum, very broadminded, very educated, appreciative of the arts and Eastern Wisdom, even if it comes through mysticism, which is only whispered about in "scientific" circles.

More Nuclear Rabbit (live)
Reaction: It really hits home. Couldn't agree more...

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