Friday, November 28, 2014

"Buy Nothing Day" (video)

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Crystal Quintero, Wisdom Quarterly;; CodePinkLA
Black Friday? Cyber Monday? No way, bankers! We celebrate Buy Nothing Day!
Wallets as weapons? #HandsUpDontSpend, #BlackOutBlackFriday (
“Today humanity faces a stark choice: save the planet and ditch capitalism, or save capitalism and ditch the planet.”
– Fawzi Ibrahim

Until we challenge the entrenched values of capitalism -- that the economy must always keep growing, that consumer wants must always be satisfied, that immediate gratification is imperative -- we’re not going able to fix the gigantic psycho-financial-eco crisis of our times.
That challenge is a deeply personal one: in a world where every inch of the capitalist system is bullying you into submission, can you resist? When advertisers hound you day and night, can you escape?

Everything Is Fine, Keep ShoppingThis Black Friday a massive, absurd, and destructive consumerist machine will coordinate against you and me for one simple reason -- to convince us to max out our credit cards to buy crap we don’t need so that a broken, harmful system stays afloat. So when they say "BUY!" we will say "NOTHING!"
Buy Nothing Day is legendary for instigating personal transformation. We suddenly remember what real living is about. Sense an upsurge of radical empowerment, and feel a wonderful magic reinvigorating life.

Join millions of us in over 60 countries on November 28/29 (from Black Friday to Cyber Monday) and see what it feels like. Then after Buy Nothing Day, take the next step: For generations Xmas has been hijacked by commercial forces. This year, let’s take it back!

And let’s get playful while we’re at it! Let’s put up posters, organize a credit card cut ups, pull off a Whirl-Mart, or a Christmas Zombie walk through the local mall. How? More

BDS: Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel

Cutting up those plastic "debt cards"!
Once upon a time a group of concerned brides held a mock wedding inside Bed Bath & Beyond in Los Angeles, California to affirm their commitment to peace, justice, and a vow to boycott illegally-made Israeli settlement products from SodaStream and Ahava (toxic sugar water and makeup).  Do we cherish human rights? Then sign the pledge to boycott at: Join the BDS Brides, a group of CODEPINK Women for Peace, in standing up for justice!

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