Tuesday, November 11, 2014

CHESS and Buddhist Afghanistan (video)

Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom QuarterlyDean Henderson; Coast
The King of Chess sits alone and unopposed (justinjin.photoshelter.com).
Chess game carpet board with Mongolian pieces (mongoliancollectables.com).
Indigenously Buddhist Kalmykia, Europe, World Chess capital
Buddhist monastics invented chess (in Afghanistan) to replace war. Many histories give credit elsewhere. But it was based on an older game called "ageio," according to Tracy R. Twyman (tracytwyman.com). Her sources are specious but make sense. Kalmykia -- the only indigenously Buddhist country in Europe -- is the world chess capital. Coincidence?

Buddhism in Russia
Parts of Ukraine were once part of a far western outpost of Scythia, where one Russian scholar famously claims the Buddha was born, which Prince Siddhartha was IF one thinks that any part of a territory is the same place as any other part of that territory, which would make Afghanistan and Ukraine part of the same place (Scythia, Crimea, Central Asia, now divided up into the Stans). Afghanistan is where the British empire played "the Great Game." (See Fitzpatrick and Gould, invisiblehistory.com). What few people know is that Afghanistan was once a magnificent kingdom. It was the site of Kapilavastu, the country of the Shakya clan Indo-Scythia with three seasonal capitals in Bamiyan, Mes Aynak, and Kabul, according to Buddhist texts.
Tracy Twyman communicates with spirits
AUDIO: Tracy Twyman communicates with spirits (coasttocoastam.com, Nov. 10, 2014)
Azoth of the Philosophers by Basil Valentine

The demon Baphomet (TT)
Twyman, an expert in esoteric history, discusses her work using a homemade Ouija board as a research tool exploring occult mysteries. In 2001, she and others attempted to use it to contact the deceased French artist Jean Cocteau to learn more about the royal bloodline of France and Christianity's Holy Grail.

They were led to the spirit of the "Black Sun" -- Cain, the murderer from the Bible. Then they began to communicate with Baphomet [revered by some as a "God of Wisdom," like the Goddess Sophia], a demon with a goat face who is part male/female, part human/animal. Baphomet is sometimes thought of as the devil and associated with alchemy and the "God of Communication" Hermes, Twyman explains. She was recently informed by Baphomet that the "gates of hell" (of the pit) had been opened in July.

Haunted Tracy Twyman
While she does not take everything these dark spirits (some of them being the djinn or "genies" of Muslim tradition) tell her at face value, she has concluded that they provide poetic inspiration and are what artists refer to as "the Muse." Although deceptive they can give verifiable historical details from the underworld or "other" world. For instance, she learned from Cain that the game we call chess comes from ancient Afghanistan but was based on an older divination ritual game with no winner called ageio, which like the Ouija can serve unhealthy spirits as a dangerous portal between worlds. Ageio is related to the fall of Eden (Atlantis), where Cain was king of his rebellious children but resorted to sorcery to bring about a flood, for which his god punished him, leading to what Judeo-Christians call the fall of Adam.

Cain is reporting this to Twyman via the board. She is haunted, that is to say she has negative spirits attached to her which facilitate her communication with various boards, as a result. She notes that Ouija board contacts with dead people or ghosts [pretas] are more dangerous than interactions with demons [asuras] because the deceased tend to have a more negative influence. An Appalachian Christian minister called in sensing her spiritual predicament intent on praying with her to cleanse her of that unclean influence, but nominal Christian co-host George Noory would not stand for it and hung up on the caller. That's why he makes the big bucks on the Clear Channel corporate conglomerate network, which former co-host John B. Wells exposes on Caravan to Midnight. More

(Tracy Twyman) "Real Power is in this Board"
On the Origin of Chess
Gerhard Josten (schachquellen.de/15038)
King Kanishka (78-144) was one of the greatest kings of the Kushan dynasty which ruled over the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, Afghanistan, and possibly regions north of Kashmir in Central Asia. The capital was Purushapura, nowadays Peshawar. Kanishka's coins show Hindu, Buddhist, Greek, Persian, and even Sumerian-Elamite images of gods. They are demonstrative of religious syncretism in his beliefs.

To discover Kushan chess pieces will cause a great problem. The National Museum in Kabul was formerly one of the most important museums in the world; more than 90% of its exhibits were excavated in Afghanistan and formed a complete historical record of this great cultural crossroads along the Silk Route.

A list of artifacts among the stolen or imperiled treasures of the National Museum contains a collection of 1,772 artifacts excavated between 1937 and 1946 from Begram (ancient Kapisa, the summer capital of the Kushan Empire), in Parwan province on the fabled Silk Route that linked India and China with Rome.

However, the Archaeological Museum Termez in Uzbekistan, 60 km away from Dalverzintepa, is proud to show these two pieces of the Kushan era, which are very similar to the known chess artifacts of Afrasiab:.. More
Afghanistan: Central Asian Grand Chessboard
Dean Henderson (globalresearch.ca)
What makes Afghanistan so special? It was once the crossroads between East and West.

In 1997 Trilateral Commission founder Zbigniew Brzezinski, the godfather of the Afghan mujahadeen, created by the CIA to fight back the advancing Russians and their growing empire the USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics] wrote a book titled, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geopolitical Imperatives. In the book Brzezinski -- who sat on the board at BP [British Petroleum] Amoco -- argues that the key to global power is control of Eurasia and that the “key to controlling Eurasia is controlling the Central Asian republics.”
The CIA has lots of fun.
Brzezinski’s plan called for ruling Central Asia via control of Uzbekistan -- which borders Afghanistan to the north. In 1997 Enron attempted to negotiate a $2 billion deal with the Uzbek state-owned Neftegas with help from the Bush White House (Mike Edwards, “Central Asia Unveiled,” National Geographic, Feb. 2002).  When that effort and other privatization attempts were rebuffed in 1998, CIA-backed Islamist attacks on Uzbekistan’s government were ratcheted up.

Suzanne Massie (TBVB)
In 1999 a series of explosions rocked the Uzbek capital of Tashkent. Islamic al-Qaeda-trained militants were to blame. The rebels -- who called themselves the Islamic Party of Turkistan -- attempted to assassinate socialist President Islam Karimov. They attacked the fertile Fergana Valley in an attempt to disrupt harvests and the Uzbek food supply. Karimov was also attacked by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and Hizb-ut-Tahrir.

The 'Second Square' marked out on the Ageio board
Second Square marked on Ageio board (TT)
After the “carpet of bombs” began raining down on neighboring Afghanistan in October 2001, Uzbekistan --along with neighbors Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan -- were coerced into accepting new U.S. military bases. In 2005 Kyrgyzstan’s nationalist President Askar Akayev was deposed by Islamists in the Tulip Revolution. Within days Donald Rumsfeld was meeting with the new leaders (Michael Griffin, Reaping the Whirlwind: The Taliban Movement in Afghanistan, Pluto Press, London, 2001, p.124]). Karimov had seen enough and ordered U.S. troops out of Uzbekistan... More

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