Thursday, December 4, 2014

Are honest Jews "anti-Semites"? (cartoon)

Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Wisdom Quarterly; M. Blumenthal, B. Boyarsky, TruthDig, KPFK
(South Park) WARNING: Cartman cusses! Is anti-Semitism in the ear of the hearer or the heart of the speaker? Eric Cartman makes fun of his Jewish friend Kyle Broflovski.
Author Max Blumenthal routed out of Germany by right wing American operative.
Access the Pacifica Los Angeles radio archives at (KPFK 90.7 FM)
Officer Daniel Pantaleo uses illegal chokehold to brutalize/murder Eric Garner then lies to grand jury and walks with no indictment. Nationwide protests ensue. Calls for reform or abolishing of prosecutor-biased grand jury system. Need for special prosecutor.
IJAN ( International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, protesting Israel in Palestine

The Klezmatics (play Klezmer) for a happy, joyous Hanukkah, Dec. 22, Disney/LA Phil
. has featured several reactions to Max Blumenthal's book Goliath: Fear and Loathing in Greater Israel -- one by Larry Gross, another by Chris Hedges. Truthdig also recorded an interview with the author, which can be heard here.
Goliath’s Missing Pieces
Bill Boyarsky (, 11-20-13)
Goliath (
Cowardice. That’s the reason why I, a Jewish journalist, avoid writing about Israel. It’s a loser, my points buried amid the give-no-quarter arguments of supporters of [U.S.-backed war criminal] PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s aggressiveness and the portions of the American left hostile to Israel.
Who needs it? When I was a Los Angeles Times journalist, I spoke to Jewish groups about our news coverage of Israel and Jewish affairs. At many of these events, I got hit with accusations that our paper was anti-Israel and our correspondent there -- whoever it was -- was pro-Palestinian.
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men (Oded Bality/AP)
I took heat from stories about Jewish-American politics. When Bob Scheer, another Jew then on the Times staff, took a groundbreaking, deep look at the Los Angeles Jewish community, he and the paper were swamped with criticism.
One of my most unpleasant experiences occurred in 2006, after I had retired from the L.A. Times, when I was on a panel discussion put on by the Women’s Alliance for Israel. subject was the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict. On the panel with me was David Lauter, then the deputy foreign editor of the Los Angeles Times. Although the religiously observant Lauter was wearing a yarmulke, it didn’t stop the audience from going after his scalp for his paper’s “anti-Israel” coverage.
Afterward, I wrote in my column in The Jewish Journal, “I’ve spoken to many groups all over Los Angeles during extremely volatile times. I’ve never seen such rudeness, narrow mindedness, and just plain boorishness.”
Then, there are my own opinions. They are deeply held and personal, and I don’t enjoy getting into arguments about them, especially with the vituperative types who dominate the Israel debate. My feelings toward Israel and Judaism have been shaped by a grandfather who was an original Zionist... More

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