Thursday, December 11, 2014

Do males get raped, too? (video)

It happens in childhood. It happens in college. It happens in the military. It happens in jail. It happens at home. And the only taboo we have is against talking about it. (
(YesFunnyYes) Funniest banned TV commercials, like the ones that get through, teach us sexism, gender normative roles, patriarchy, and normalize violence by design and even without meaning to.

There's nothing funny about sexual assault. But the absurdity of how some colleges [military institutions, wardens, first responders, police, corporations, workplaces] respond to it can make one laugh.
Comedy Central's Jon Stewart became the latest comedian to crack wise about the rape crisis on America's college campuses: Reports are up, yet many schools still fail to adequately address the problem.

Stewart called the segment "The Fault in Our Schools," riffing on the hugely successful book-turned-movie, The Fault in Our Stars, by author John Green. ...slap on the wrist to the men she says assaulted her on a spring break trip. end sexual assault and rape on campus -- or worse, if you're a victim -- was this shtick funny? ...The Onion, the satirical... More
US military encourages rape and abuse.
Male Victims: National Alliance to End Sexual Violence ( As with male sexual violence against women, sexual violence against men is... Male victims experience similar effects of sexual violence as female victims...NAESV Response to Campus Sexual Assault column in the Wall Street Journal.
Men get raped? (Lester J. Manzano) Sexual assault has become imbued in campus culture.... The occurrence of male sexual assault, wherein the victim is male, and the perpetrator is either male or...
Understanding the Perpetrator (, Sexual Assault Prevention and...) Speaking with 99 male sex offenders, court records showed 136 victims... K.M. (2004) Risk Factors For Male Sexual Aggression on College Campuses.
Statistics about Sexual Violence (, National Sexual Violence...) 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives (a) ... + of male victims report being raped. Sexual assault on campus.
Sexual Violence on College Campuses (Cleveland Rape Crisis...) 1 in 4 college women will be the victim of sexual assault during her... 1; 3 percent of college men report surviving rape or attempted rape as a child or an adult.
Male Survivors of Rape ( Campus Advocacy Network... Prevalence. Many believe that sexual assault of men is more under-reported than sexual assault of women.
Myths and Facts (Roger Williams University) Young people are especially at risk: The majority of sexual assault victims are... Reporting rates for campus sexual assault are also very low: on average only...
Sexual Violence (, PDF, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Approximately 1 in 20 women and men (5.6% and. 5.3%, respectively) experienced sexual violence... 12.3% female rape victims and 27.8% of male rape.

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