Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Feinstein: CIA report "ugly truth" we must face

(Uprising with Sonali) Robert Jensen analyzes breaking news. And Vijay Prashad, author and professor of International Studies at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, makes the connection between foreign and domestic policies of violence against marginalized communities from Guantanamo to Ferguson.

Thumbnail Image[How will the mainstream media, working hand in hand with the CIA  and other secret policing agencies such as the NSA and NSC, spin these U.S. military-industrial complex torture atrocities? Let's find out:] Senate investigators have delivered a damning indictment of CIA interrogation practices after the 9/11 attacks, accusing the agency of inflicting pain...
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Senate investigators have delivered a damning indictment of CIA interrogation practices after the 9/11 attacks, accusing the agency of inflicting pain...

Senate report details U.S. torture at secret prisons; Embassy security heightened ahead of release
Thumbnail ImageJenni Rivera's estate sues over fatal plane crash; WiIliam and Kate are joined by Jay-Z and Beyonce at basketball match; "Boyhood," "Selma" among AFI...
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Scientists, engineers and doctors watched via a live stream feed at Houston Methodist Hospital as doctors took images of a NASA spacesuit in order to...
Thumbnail ImageHere's the latest news for Tuesday, December 9th: Hagel in Iraq; Orion back on Earth; Protests in New York; Royals catch NBA game.
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As police continue to execute black males, motivated by internalized societal racism, the country is standing up to hold police to account for murder, brutality, rape, and widespread discrepancies in policing and punishing...

Nationwide protests over police crimes

(Uprising with Sonali, Dec. 8, 2014) Rahul Mahajan analyzes breaking news. And Kevin Alexander Gray, editor of Killing Trayvons: An Anthology of American Violence, discusses the common threads between Ferguson, New York, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Berkeley, and police brutality protests across the country.
World in pictures: see the slideshow
Headlines (Democracy Now!)

Dec. 9, 2014

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