Monday, December 29, 2014

"I'm tired of life," punk (video)

Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Blinko; Grisham
Long enough, long enough, it has been long enough! (shutterstock/
Sutra: Tears
Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven based on Ven. Thanissaro (trans.), Assu Sutra (SN 15.3)
The Buddha knows (Saara Arkiharha/flickr).
[The Buddha was once residing in Savatthi.] There the Blessed One said: "From an unfathomable beginning comes this continued wandering on in samsara [rebirth].

"No beginning is evident when beings first became hindered by ignorance and fettered by craving wandering on [in search of sensual pleasures, supersensual pleasures, continued wandering, or annihilation].
"What do you think, meditators: Which is greater, the tears you have shed while being reborn and wandering this long, long time -- crying and weeping from having to be in contact with what is displeasing and being separated from what is pleasing -- or the water in the four great oceans?"

"As we understand the Dharma taught to us by the Blessed One, the tears we shed while being reborn wandering on this long, long time is greater -- crying and weeping from being in contact with what is displeasing and separated from what is pleasing -- rather than the water in the four great oceans."
"Excellent, meditators, excellent! It is excellent that you thus understand the Dharma as taught by me.
It's sad, so incredibly sad! (BodhiPunx)
"The tears you have shed while being reborn wandering on this long, long time is greater -- crying and weeping from being in contact with what is displeasing and being separated from what is pleasing -- rather than the water in the four great oceans.
  • "Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a mother. The tears you have shed over the death of a mother while being reborn wandering on this long, long time -- crying and weeping from being in contact with what is displeasing and being separated from what is pleasing -- are greater than the water in the four great oceans.
  • Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a father...
  • the death of a brother...
  • the death of a sister...
  • the death of a son...
  • the death of a daughter... 
  • the loss of relatives...
  • the loss of wealth...
  • loss due to disease. The tears you have shed due to loss by disease while being reborn wandering on this long, long time -- crying and weeping from being in contact with what is displeasing and being separated from what is pleasing -- are greater than the water in the four great oceans.
"And why is that? From an unfathomable beginning comes rebirth. A beginning [first point] is not evident when beings began to be hindered by ignorance and fettered by craving while being reborn in this continued wandering on (samsara).

"Long have you thus experienced suffering (dukkha, disappointment, dissatisfaction), experienced pain, experienced loss, swelled the cemeteries -- long enough to become disenchanted with all formations, long enough to become dispassionate, long enough to be released."
The Stick
John D. Ireland (trans.) edited by Wisdom Quarterly (SN 15:9), Wheel No. 107
“Just as a stick thrown up into the air sometimes falls on its base, sometimes on its side, sometimes on its tip, similarly, meditators, do beings obstructed by ignorance and fettered by craving continue to wander on through the round of rebirths.
“At one time beings go from this world to another world, at another time coming from another world to this world. Why, what is the reason?
“Unimaginable, meditators, is a beginning to the round of rebirths [and redeaths]. For beings obstructed by ignorance and fettered by craving continuing to wander on through the round of rebirths, no starting point is evident.
“Thus for a long time, meditators, have you experienced suffering (disappointment), pain, and destruction, and the cemeteries have swelled. It has been long enough for you to have become dispassionate toward all formations (conditioned things), long enough for you to have become detached and released from them.” More
"I'm tired of life"

Growing up in America is all about being in an indie rock or punk band. Pass it on.

Punk Barbie & Spiky
Two early punk songs never get old (as long as new garage bands keep doing covers of them), one from the British anarcho-punks Rudimentary Peni and another from the early Los Angeles scenesters T.S.O.L. (True Sounds of Liberty).

Jack Greggors (Grisham) once did a duet, trading lines: "I'm tired of looking (It's not in my vision)/ I'm tired of seeing/ (I don't wanna see this)/ I'm tired of hearing (Don't tell me your sh-t)/ I'm tired of being (So why am I here?)/ I'm tired of life (And all of its jokes)/ Imaginary lines (To fool all you fools)/ Imaginary rules (To live your life by)/ And all the world's fools//

"Life is so easy when you're told what to do/ Where to work and how to be you/ But the jokes wears off and you're still laughing/ Caught in your own trap and you're all happy!//

Learn your history (School of Rock)
"Too stupid to know it (Just try use your head)/ Too stupid to care (You've all been fooled)/ Just one voice screaming (Is there really a point?)/ Just one in a million (A little speck of flesh)/ Who's gonna hear it (Scream till you die)/ Who's gonna know it? (Your conscience, your mind)/ Who even cares? (No one but yourself)/ It's hopeless (You're hopeless)//

"Because of the process, because of the system,/ Because you're still laughing, because you don't listen,/ Because of the process, because of the system,/ Because you're still laughing, because you don't listen."

(Rudimentary Peni) "Tower of Strength" from the second EP
Towers (Micky75017)
Nick Blinko asks, Are you tired of things coming in only to go out again? "Tower of Strength takes to the sea/ Scours ocean via quay/ Same old story, muscle bound and gory/ Brand new story, death without glory/ Infinite story, something so hoary/ Build a tower of strength and watch it weaken/ Construct high hopes as the brightest beacon/ Watch the seagulls eat the trash/ You contemptuously ditch/ Do you know a seagull?/ Do you know a wreck?// Are you tired of the tide?/ Are you tired of the tide?/ Roll in a rock pool, come let's hide// Do you know a raging wind?/ Do you know a seagull?/ Do you know a wreck?/ Do you know a raging wind?/ Are you tired of the tide?/ Are you tired of the tide?/ Roll in a rock pool, come let's hide/ Tower of strength takes to the sea, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Hardcore Punk Scenes from 1980's SoCal (We Got Power! magazine/bazillionpoints)
WGP!: "We survived the pit" with David Markey, Jordan Schwartz (

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