Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jeb Bush is coming! More rightwing than W.

(Bloomberg Business) Dec. 16, 2014 - Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said today that he's taking another step toward running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin reports on “Market Makers.”
The Republican Brain (Chris Mooney)
A right wing maniac, part of the royal Bush Dynasty, former governor of distorted and perverse Florida -- who speaks Spanish and is married to a Latina -- wants to be selected as the next president of the U.S., Inc. Are the capitalists biting, and will the rest of us go along with it without too many protests? Who would be vice president? Let's bring back Dick Cheney for another eight years.

Give me another chance, motherf*thers!
We have had many long years of disappointment attributed to liberalism, socialism, Islam, and Nazism but which are actually a continuation of Bush-Cheney policies. Obama has done everything within his power to promote the Bush agenda in the name of an "alternative," "change," and a "Yes we can" attitude. Why not swing even further to the right, going from George W. to Jeb (Johnny Ellis) Bush? If Germans had a choice, would they have voted Dolfie Hitler or Joey Goebbels?

(Giant Corporation Puppet Theater) Tonight's Show: "The Republican Debate" (TB).
    Jeb Bush announces he will "explore" presidential run
    (NPR) Jeb Bush, the former Republican governor of Florida and the brother and son of two former U.S. presidents, has essentially kicked off the 2016 presidential campaign with a pre-announcement announcement on Facebook. Saying he had conversations with his family [and their deep pocket corporate connections] about the future of the country, Bush said he had decided to "actively explore" a presidential run. He went on:...
    The G.O.P. pickup artist's guide (TMW)
    Will we take Karl Rove or keep watching MSNBC and pretending we are levelheaded moderates when all of our policies are to the right of former Republican presidents Reagan and Nixon? We have moved to the right of those icons because the who board is being moved to the right. There is no actual left wing representation, just nominal (by name only) "liberals" and "progressives." It's all relative.
    Republican extremists are ruthless, sensible, intolerant who will say anything to win.

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