Wednesday, December 3, 2014

NSA: Ed Snowden WINS Right Livelihood Award

The Very Naughty Whistleblower: Snowden upsets boat and secret plan (thismodernworld)

Snowden is a former CIA officer, whistleblowing NSA spy and contractor, and American technologist, who -- when he discovered classified evidence... (
Snowden, McKibben Among Recipients of Right Livelihood Award
Did NSA violate the Mockingjay?
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The Right Livelihood Award, known as the alternative Nobel Prize, has been awarded to five people, including National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden. He accepted by video link from Russia.
Snowden: "All the prices we’ve paid, all the sacrifices we made, I believe we would do again -- I know I would do again, because it was never about me... (inaudible) This is about us, this is about our rights, this is about what kind of societies that we want to live in, the kind of government that we want to have."
Snowden was honored along with Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian newspaper, which published reports using Snowden’s whistleblowing to expose sweeping  illegal, unconstitutional NSA surveillance.

The other Right Livelihood honorees were:
  1. Edward Snowden, former NSA spy and whistleblower
  2. Bill McKibben, U.S. environmentalist, founder of, a leading voice against climate chaos
  3. Asma Jahangir, Pakistani human rights activist
  4. Basil Fernando, Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong
  5. Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian. More

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