Sunday, January 25, 2015

Can police meditate? (Thich Nhat Hanh)

CC Liu, Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly; Krista Tippett (;
Thai ("Teacher") is not Thai. The venerable elder is Vietnamese and a great friend of assassinated Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. King. He advocates a practice as easy as breathing, walking, and being (Peter Kramer/Getty Images/

Mindfulness, Suffering, and Engaged Buddhism
Worlds apart (
The Vietnamese Buddhist Zen master -- whom Christian Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize -- is a voice of power and wisdom in this time of tumult in the world.

Krista Tippett visited the venerable monk a retreat attended by American police officers and other members of the criminal justice system. They offer stark gentle wisdom for finding buoyancy and “being peace” in a world of conflict, anger, and violence. Thich Nhat Hanh, Cheri Maples, and Larry Ward... AUDIO + VIDEO

Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Zen monk, poet, and peacemaker. He co-founded the An Quang Buddhist Institute, the Van Hanh Buddhist University in Vietnam, and Plum Village, a Buddhist training monastery in France. He is the author of many books, including Being Peace, The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on Meditation, The Art of Communicating, Fragrant Palm Leaves: Journals 1962–1966, and The Long Road Turns to Joy — A Guide to Walking Meditation.
Former police chief opens her heart.
Cheri Maples served in the criminal justice system for 25 years, including as an Assistant Attorney General in the Wisconsin Department of Justice, and as a police officer with the City of Madison Police Department. She is a licensed attorney, a clinical social worker, and co-founder of the Center for Mindfulness and Justice in Madison, Wisconsin. She was ordained as a Dharma teacher by Thich Nhat Hanh in 2008.
Larry Ward is co-director of the Lotus Institute in Encinitas, California and an ordained Baptist minister. He also owned a management consultant firm for Fortune 500 companies. He co-authored a book with his wife, Love’s Garden: A Guide to Mindful Relationships.

Buddhism in Vietnam
Vietnamese MonksThe predominant form of Buddhism in Vietnam is a combination of Pure Land and Zen. Zen practice, with its emphasis on meditation is mostly pursued among the monastics (monks and nuns), while (devotional) Pure Land philosophy and practice is preferred by the lay-people. More

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