Friday, January 9, 2015

Our reality may NOT be real ("The Principle")

Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Rick DeLano (, facebook),, Jan. 7, 2015; Forward Boldly
Artist’s conception of an Earth-like planet orbiting an evolved star with a stunning “planetary nebula.” Earlier in its life, this planet may have been like one of the eight newly discovered worlds orbiting in the habitable zones of their suns (
( "The Principle" Twitter: @PrincipleMovie, #AreYouSignificant. It will come to the AMC in LA and OC then branch out to other outlets. (See the movie).
Where in the world [system] is Earth (Bhumi)?
Everyone knows that the ancient idea of Earth in the center of the universe is a ridiculous holdover from a superstitious age, right? Modern science has proven that we are nothing special.

We inhabit, in Carl Sagan's words, "an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people."

Well, prepare to be shocked! "The Principle" is destined to become one of the most controversial films of our time. It brings to the public the astonishing results of recent large-scale surveys of our universe -- surveys that disclose unexpected evidence of a preferred direction in the cosmos, aligned with our Earth.

"The Principle" includes narration by Kate Mulgrew ("Star Trek Voyager," "Orange is the New Black," "Ryan's Hope"), stunning animations by BUF Compagnie Paris ("Life of Pi," "Thor"), and commentary from prominent scientists including George Ellis, Professor Michio Kaku, Julian Barbour, Lawrence Krauss, and Max Tegmark.
Attempt to get to Space X cheap.
Tracing the development of cosmology from its inception (Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid at Giza) through Copernicus' great revolution, to the astonishing new discoveries of Earth-oriented alignments in the largest structures of our visible universe, "The Principle" brings us face-to-face with the question and the challenge, What does this mean for the future of humankind on Earth?


Maya: The "Illusion"
Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly, BUDDHISM IN A NUTSHELL

Well of course our reality is NOT real. It is maya, illusiory. How so? Three things appear in every obvious way to be true and reliable such that we can take them for granted. But things are not as they seem.

Joy! It's all unreal, a dream. Wake up! (AS)
One, things seem stable, continuous, lasting, more or less permanent. In fact, they are radically (at their root, at the most fundamental level) impermanent. This does not mean they eventually fall away as all things must. It means they are falling apart, hurtling toward destruction, at every moment. They are ceaselessly phasing through three submoments -- arising, turning, and falling -- within each moment. They pass away at every moment. Nothing survives the moment, but what replaces it at the very next moment is nearly identical, nearly. It is not identical. It does not have continuity. It does not have identity. Therefore, all "things" (conditioned formations) are impermanent (anicca).

Joy, joy, jump for joy! Having realized it's all impermanent and disappointing, what a marvel that it's an illusion, a dream to wake up from. Enjoy it then wake up (
Two, things seem able to satisfy, to please, to bring fulfillment, to be pleasing. In fact, they are unsatisfactory, lack the ability to fulfill us. They are disappointing. This does not mean they eventually will get tired and old. Striving for them in their absence is distressing. Getting them is disappointing. Worrying about losing them as we attempt to cling to them is unpleasant. And losing them -- or realizing we never really had them under our control because they, too, are impermanent -- is unpleasant, painful, disappointing, a cause of woe and lamentation. Even getting them, getting our heart's desire, to find out they did not, would not, could not fulfill us, that has got to be the worst thing of all -- not that we will know it, because the mind/heart will quickly switch to something else to crave and hanker after. All things, all conditioned phenomena, are unsatisfactory (dukkha). [But there is one thing, that is, one "unconditioned element" the Buddha called nirvana, which is not a "thing" and not like any other thing, so it is difficult to conceive. The Buddha called it the end of all woe, but one knows-and-sees it only by way of enlightenment or bodhi).]
  • WARNING: This third ultimate truth is dangerous because, without wisdom, it is easy to mis-grasp. To grasp it incorrectly is like taking hold of a snake by the tail. It will quickly spring back to bite. The Dharma misunderstood is similarly dangerous because it will drag one -- by entering a thicket of rong views and speculations -- rather than liberate one as the Buddha intended. Conventional truth is not ultimate truth and vice-versa. Why? What is ultimately true in physics about matter, that it is mostly empty space, does not matter when it is coming at you. Step aside. For to say "I did not step aside because there, ultimately, there was no 'I' and nothing to fear from 'mostly empty space' will be ridiculous and a foolish misunderstanding of what is being said and what is not being said by Buddhism or physics. Buddhist physics, moreover, has much to say about the impersonal qualities of materiality, spoken of as "ultimate materiality" described and analyzed in terms of particles (kalapas) and mind-moments (cittas), which ultimately seem less physical than conceptual or interdependent with perception.
Zen zero or ensō (Stanoin/
Three, things seem personal, I, me, and mine. In fact, all things are impersonal, lack essence, are phenomenal. We take forms (materiality), sensations, perceptions, mental formations (such as volitions), and above all consciousness to be "self," our ego, our personality, our "soul." We do not see these things as they really are, falling away, unable to satisfy, and not-self. What?! This is the biggest shock. One could reason it. But it must be seen directly, experienced directly, for such a realization to lead to spiritual liberation, the end of treading this painful and otherwise endless round of rebirth and disappointment. Things are not-self (anatta).

Kwan Yin as Avalokitesvara (Heart Sutra)
In what is arguably the most famous Buddhist discourse, at least of the Mahayana school of Buddhism, the Heart (of Wisdom) Sutra, which is the epitome of the "Perfection of Wisdom" (Prajna Paramita, Sanskrit Prajñāpāramitā) literature, it is said: "Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond, enlightenment, yes!" What did Avalokiteshvara (a deva whose name means "One Who Looks Down From On High," who came to be regarded as Kwan Yin, Goddess or Bodhisattva of Mercy) just realize and explain to the Buddha's chief male disciple foremost in wisdom before uttering this paean? The realization was this ultimate truth: These five things, these "heaps" or "aggregates" or "groups" (form, feeling, perception, formations, consciousness) are empty, that is, devoid of self. They are impersonal. O, what an awakening. (Due to ignorance, most beings who hear this think it is the worst news ever. But when enlightenment dawns, one sees things just as they are, and the Truth sets one free).

Buddhist cosmology: Earth and space
There are worlds (exoplanets) upon worlds upon worlds in space, and gov'ts know it.
Buddhist cosmology: Countless worlds, 31 planes
Buddhism, like modern Hinduism (along with earlier Vedic Brahmanism) and Jainism, have very sophisticated views of space (akasha) and space worlds (akasha deva lokas). This Earth, known as Bhumi (like Tierra, "ground," Gaia) is only one world (loka) in the Human Plane in the lowest of Three Spheres, the Sensual Sphere. There are many deva worlds in addition to other planets with "humans" or humanoids who are not earthlings. The devas, or "shining ones," inhabit this sphere in celestial or "heavenly" worlds which are very advanced technologically and able to visit Earth and take humans there, as happens.

The other two spheres -- the Fine Material (Rupa) and Immaterial (Arupa) -- are harder to conceive. They can be visited but, moreover, one can be reborn there as a being among those beings.

In the long course of samsara, the "wandering on" through countless worlds, one has likely already been reborn in nearly all 31 planes, with the exception of a few exclusive worlds known as the "Pure Abodes" (suddhavasa). One has not been there because one has not yet entered upon the stages of enlightenment (from stream-entry to arhatship) or overcome the fetters that bind one to this realm in this sphere.
UFO monument built by ETs or with knowledge of ETs at Cambodia's Angkor Wat bas relief showing a war in "heaven," that is, in space (
ETs and UFOs called "myths"
Above the exalted sensual worlds are fine-material worlds inhabited by greater, more glorious devas, brighter, living longer lives, enjoying pleasures greater than those found in sense strand worlds. We would regard these worlds as invisible due to the fineness of the material of which they are composed. Over and above that are rarefied worlds known as "immaterial" or "formless" planes, beyond physicality even of the subtlest sort. This is nearly impossible for us to think about because everywhere else body and mind are interdependent and inseparable, as illustrated in the analysis of the Five Aggregates of Clinging (an explanation of who we are as living beings or "souls," selves, egos, personalities).

There are beings on Earth who are invisible to our normal faculty of vision, visible with the "divine eye" (dibba cakkhu), pineal gland or third eye. Devas (sylphs, woodland spirits), creatures (overseen by the Four Great Sky Rulers of the four directions of the sky), monsters, ghosts, hellions, inimical spirits, and others. There are many more, shapeshifters and light-emitting beings, who live in other worlds even within this solar system and galaxy. Read about some of them in The 31 Planes of Existence.

Get your head out of the sand! Face reality.
Wisdom Quarterly: American Buddhist Journal editors are not geocentrists (believers that Earth is at the center). Rahter, we think science has much to answer for and must stop acting like a faith, a religion with its white-labcoat-clad "priests" who feel they are above reproach and cannot have their work questioned, even when what they at times publicly claim (like inventing dark matter to get their equations to work) is foolish and demonstrably wrong. But no one gets beyond the gatekeepers of Academe without believing or publicly acquiescing to certain nonsense. Let science be "science" rather than a biased load of bollocks. Let us all question science and scientific authority just as we question spirituality and its "leaders."

Those d-mn Christians!
(Church Militant TV) Robert Sungenis and Rick DeLano on the controversy surrounding the release of their documentary film on cosmology and the Copernican theory. Scientists that were interviewed for the film are now trying to distance themselves from the movie because it dares to suggest that the Earth is significant and unusual. Is it geocentric? The scandal was started by an outside Catholic blogger who "tipped off" the scientists in the film possibly out of "pure malice." It may have backfired because the blogger generated a lot of free publicity for the film makers in associating geocentrism with anti-semitism.

Rick DeLano, producer of "The Principle," interviewed on Catholic radio "Forward Boldly" with Christine Niles to give him a chance to clear the air about the nature of his film and respond to critics who say he is a Christian nut or angainst science.

Challenging the Copernican Principle
Exciting guest Rick DeLano, insipid host George Noory, coasttocoastam, Jan. 7, 2015
UFOs in ancient Christian iconography, spacecraft paintings (
We earthlings are not of Earth, but we've been here a long time. So have other beings.
Overnight, Rick DeLano discussed his work researching current theories of astronomy and Copernicus and how this material has raised controversies related to his new documentary, "The Principle."
Slice of space, akasha deva loka (
"There is a crisis in [Western] cosmology," states Dr. Michio Kaku. Physics has never been able to provide us with any scientific experimental proof of Copernicus' principle that the Earth travels around the Sun, and it could just be the opposite case -- that the Sun travels around the Earth, DeLano explains, but to say so causes of firestorm in the scientific community whose faith in in Copernicus without proof.
While the Copernican argument is plausible, there has never been any scientific demonstration of it because "physics can only talk about relative motion," DeLano says. "The other possibility is that the Earth is actually at rest in the center of the universe, just as every human being [has] essentially believed for thousands of years."
My, what secret crafts you have, Uncle Sam!
For his new film he interviewed such scientists as Dr. Michio Kaku, who cite a crisis in cosmology in that the theory of relativity does NOT gel with quantum theory.

And this is the greatest contradiction between theory and observation in the history of science.
Prof. Kaku, physicist Lawrence Krauss, narrator Kate Mulgrew, and other participants in the documentary have claimed that although they consented to be in the film, they did not know there was a "geocentric" agenda. For an overview of the media barrage against "The Principle," see this page on DeLano's site.
Triangle UFO in NASA footage (NASA)
Rick DeLano concludes that we are alone in the universe using faulty logic: If other "planets are perfectly good for life, and life is everywhere, and they're billions of years older than us, somebody should have turned us into a parking lot, long since...We see an astonishingly silent universe, at least according to the sensors like SETI," he philosophizes.
Look up nightly and see the wars.
Apparently he has not been looking in the night sky with night vision goggles or seen NASA footage of how crowded space is just above Earth with UFO traffic, no matter how hard NASA TV tries to keep it out of the frame. We are definitely not alone in space, but no one can say so within respectable science, such as the university system, until we have not only documented evidence, of which there is a great deal, but also replicable proof. (Even then one will not be allowed to say it until the gatekeepers say it is all right). More + AUDIO
NASA footage of UFOs
(EPS) NASA video and audio footage of UFOs sighted by astronauts on board during various Space Shuttle missions orbiting Earth.
(LunaCognita) NASA: Alien anomalies caught on film, a compilation of stunning UFO footage from NASA's own archives, most of which are kept secret from the public.

Coast to Coast AUDIO: listen with Windows Player  High  Low, download MP3s: Hour 1   Hour 2   Hour 3   Hour 4. Note: Some mobile devices do not download MP3s, so use a desktop.

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