Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Speaking with Sasquatch (video)

Dev, Crystal Quintero, Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; FirAndCedar
Intuitive artist and Sasquatch communicator Andrew Robson, exhibiting the characteristics of a "fairy," explains how Sasquatch communicates from the realm of devas (Min. 15, Ep. 1).

Natural wonders of British Columbia, Yoho National Park, Pacific Northwest (wiki)
Who are the devas like Danu?
In a previous post we posed the shocking question, "What can the dead teach us about Bigfoot?" There are two ways to find Sasquatch ("Wild Man," Yeti, Bigfoot, Buddhist Yakkha or Yakshi).

One is through the heart of wisdom (the sixth sense), the other through the empirical five senses. Many will stumble upon the devas (fairies, "shining ones," light beings, woodland elemental spirits) by the opening of their third or divine eye, the dibba cakkhu, the DMT-rich pineal gland between the eyes within the brain.

31 Planes of Existence
WARNING: Wait! Don't publish! You guys should not talk about this. Mystic mumbo-jumbo sounds crazy. Bhikkhu Bodhi, in addressing the ancient Buddhist cosmological scheme of unseen beings, suggests a very rational alternative:

We can think of Buddhism's 31 Planes of Existence as mental states humans fall into -- asuras when we are angry, animals when we are dumb or brutish, devas when we feel angelic or overcome with joy and a sense of invincibility or immortality, hungry ghosts when we are caught by addiction or insatiable greed and clinging, humans when we can follow the Five Precepts, hellions when we are depressed or feeling hopeless. There is no need to believe in these as literal realms or as anything but metaphorical spheres.

Do fairies really exist? (Jah Ho JayDMR/flickr)
And if we will not know  in this life if they are or are not objectively real, why talk about them? That is a good question except that meditative attainments make it possible to directly verify that these planes are real existing places with literal inhabitants, not simply metaphors. Buddhism is very practical, very much concerned with liberation and what can be attained in this life.

Mediums who communicate with these hidden human tribes, or hybrid human species, receive messages and live in peace with them. There are, however, inimical tribes, unfriendly humanoid creatures (like the rakshasa) who might devour one. The forest is like that.

Grey ET iconography at rave (Die Antwoord)
Has no one ever thought to wonder why drug users and abusers use and are drawn to the same archetypes and images -- mushrooms, pot leaves, Grey ETs, Bear Men (yakkhas, ogres), dragons (nagas), flowers, psychedelic color swirls, infantilizing plush dolls, fairies (bhumi-devas), gnomes (kumbhandas), unicorns, mermaids, snakes, trees, castles, geometric patterns?

Deva DNA in humans may help us see.
Why are people, particularly females, drawn to them in hippie and rave subcultures? We suggest it is the type of drugs being consumed, namely, entheogens.

How else is one to explain the wild popularity of bears, Bigfoot, Bear Men, or furry creatures in general?

Why do fans love the marching "bear"?
This would also feed into our King Kong and Fay Wray fascination. They just seem to go together, to be linked in our minds in some archetypal way, like Beauty and the Beast.

What could be wild speculation is directly discussed by a deva-like man from British Columbia, Andrew Robson, a woodland hippie psychic artist/intuitive on Episode 1 of "Speaking of Sasquatch" (see video above, Minute 15:00).

Shapeshifting Bear Men into this dimension
While we are only trying to make sense of the testimony of psychics, trance mediums, interspecies communicators, mystics, and shamans, it would certainly explain a great deal. But trying to rationally interpret and explain the realm of devas, mysticism, mythology, and spiritual lore as well as the direct experience of countless Americans at massive rave festivals, Phish shows, and old time Grateful Dead concerts is fraught with dangers.

Ha ha, "Sasquatch," what a joke, you nuts!
The number one danger is ridicule. We can weather that. The second danger is trying to apply rational, linear logic with all of its unquestioned underlying assumptions to something holistic, interconnected, and more a web with countless and expanding nexus points than a line that begins here and ends there, that has a simple first cause and a point or end goal.

Reality is not that way. There is no seeing it "objectively" if we ourselves are in it, part of it, constantly affecting it, emerging from it, not really different from it. Is the universe, as mystics of old have always said, looking back at itself? We are not in the universe looking at it. We are the universe. We are not in an environment. We are part of the environment. How then will we know it independent of it?

The "Wild Men" are out there. And those who live in the woods for generations have no doubt about it from Buddhists in Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet in the Himalayas to Native Americans in California, Oregon, and Washington in the U.S.
The one thing many cannot understand about Buddhism is that it is neither an intellectual philosophy (ñāṇa) nor an emotional-devotional (bhakti) exercise, although these elements are present. Buddhism first and foremost is a practice which seeks to purify the heart/mind so that "objective" (impersonal, impermanent, unsatisfactory) reality can be seen directly and penetrated. The goal is liberation (nirvana) and it is only possible by direct knowing-and-seeing (enlightenment).

Speaking of Sasquatch
This monthly webcast provides a forum for the Sasquatch (Sasquac, a Pacific Northwest Native American word that means "Wild Man") people to address humans directly by way of trance mediums and sensitives.

(SOS, Ep. 2) Sasquatch on humankind's relationship to our environment. Trance medium Kathleen Odom facilitates a dialogue, marking the debut of The Chandler Chronicles, a series reported by Molly Hart Lebherz about Lori and Dustin Chandler's interaction with Sasquatches living near them in Georgia, USA. Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka) explains prehistory.

Speaking of Sasquatch offers a counterpoint to the mainstream media's frequently sensational and inaccurate portrayals of Sasquatch and "Bigfoot." For more than 20 years, principal contributor Kathleen Odom ( has been an interspecies communicator and shamanic practitioner whose spirit medicine practice is currently based in southern Oregon.

Host Christopher Munch is an award-winning writer-director whose "Letters From the Big Man" ( was a New York Times critics' pick. Guest contributors include educator-author Thom Powell ( and artist-intuitive Andrew Robson ( © 2013 Antarctic Pictures LLC • All Rights Reserved.

Scr-w the airy-fairy talk, we demand science!
Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly
Lloyd Pye explains the science we are lied to about to feed us a consensus reality misunderstanding about Darwinism, the Theory of Evolution, and human origins on Earth.
Himalayan Yeti (Snow Walker video still)
Fortunately for those of us who are more empirically minded -- who want to see, touch, and test the hard evidence -- it exists in the form of DNA evidence, genetic profiling, a peer-reviewed publication (Dr. Melba Ketchum, David Paulides, et al.)

There is also the more widely published and compromised work of Oxford scientist Brian Sykes, who has determined that the Himalayan Yeti of lore is very real but simply a kind of prehistoric (more humanoid) "polar bear."

(TPK) Former police officer David Paulides discusses the systematic, scientific investigation of Sasquatch and collection of data and affidavits particularly in and around U.S. national parks.

Homo floresiensis (
The problem is next to no one will actually examine the evidence because of what they imagine is implied: Why if this is true, what else have I been wrong about, what else is real, what can be said of the cover up aided by the mainstream media for years on end even as centuries old Native American lore told us otherwise?

And what does it say about the theory of evolution when clearly someone or something meddled with our earthling DNA to genetically alter and "create" the various lines of human beings that have existed from the fossil evidence, like the extinct tiny kumbhandas (gnomes, dwarfs) or "Hobbits" (Homo floresiensis) of formerly Buddhist Indonesia and surviving Neanderthals (Almas or "Wild Men") of Russia and Central Asia. New species of human beings discovered? I'll believe it when I see it. Show me the evidence!

(BBC) Scientists discover new race of human beings in Asia, the Denisovans, Dec. 2010

Tibetan Folklore
Some ogres (yakshis) are cannibals.
(WIKI) Almases appear in the legends of local people, who tell stories of sightings and human-Almas interactions dating back several hundred years. Drawings interpreted as Almas also appear in a Tibetan medicinal book. British anthropologist Myra Shackley noted that "The book contains thousands of illustrations of various classes of animals (reptiles, mammals and amphibia), but not one single mythological [or make believe] animal such as are known from similar medieval European books. All the creatures [contained in the medicinal text] are living and observable today" (1983, p. 98). 

Famous Western sightings
Sightings recorded in writing go as far back as the 15th century. In 1430, Hans Schiltberger recorded his personal observation of these creatures in the journal of his trip to Mongolia as a prisoner of the Mongol Khan. Schiltberger also recorded one of the first European sightings of Przewalski horses. (Manuscript in the Munich Municipal Library, Sign. 1603, Bl. 210)(Shackley, 94). He noted that Almasty are part of the Mongolian and Tibetan apothecary's materia medica, along with thousands of other animals and plants that live today.
Hair, blood, DNA evidence are hard science.
British anthropologist Myra Shackley in Still Living? describes Ivan Ivlov's 1963 observation of a family group of Almas. Ivlov, a pediatrician, decided to interview some of the Mongolian children who were his patients and discovered that many of them had also said that they had seen Almases and that neither the Mongol children nor the young Almas were afraid of each other. Ivlov's driver also claimed to have seen them (Shackley, 91). 

Captive Almas
A wildwoman named Zana or Zanya (Brian Sykes claims he solved her mystery by DNA analysis) is said to have lived in the isolated mountain village of T'khina 50 miles from Sukhumi in Abkhazia in the Caucasus; some have speculated she may have been an Almas (Neanderthal-modern human hybrid), but this alleged evidence indicates that she was a human.

Most sharks are harmless
A scary Bigfoot meets hunter in the woods.
Most sharks are harmless, but Great White maneaters get all of the attention. The same is true of the many varieties (tribes) of Sasquatches, "Wild Men." Some are quite docile, wise, protecting the forest and nature. But a few are cannibals, brutish, perhaps experiencing transient hormonal changes, like good elephants gone wild during the rut or protective mothers perceiving a danger to their offspring. This past weekend Dave Schrader (host of Darkness Radio) guest-hosted Coast to Coast with just such stories:

Forest Predator
Dave Schrader welcomed paranormal researcher Stephen Young, who discussed a strange and highly unusual predator that is living in the woods and forests all across the world and is able to overpower someone in an instant.

Young said she was led into the topic after uncovering stories of people disappearing in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania, Mt. Kailash in Tibet, and the Markawasi Stone Forest of Peru. She described Markawasi as a dimensional portal and suggested the strange energy visitors have described feeling there is possibly caused by a confluence of ley lines or the piezoelectric properties of granite.

Young reported on a missing middle-aged man in good health found dead in a forest in Ireland, as well as a boy from the Isle of Man who allegedly disappeared for four years into another dimension.

She suggested an invisible entity could be involved in the disappearances, pointing to records of explorer James Alan Rennie who claimed to have seen tracks with no source moving toward him, make impact, then continue past. A cloaked mantis-type creature, such as proposed by Michael Ian Black, may be lifting these people and leaving no trace behind, Young suggested.

She also spoke about locations around the planet, including Assonet Ledge in Freetown State Forest, Massachusetts, and the Overtoun Bridge in Scotland, where people (and dogs) feel compelled to commit suicide. AUDIO

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