Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Strange things from strange lands (video)

Dev, Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells, Seven, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly; Die Antwoord
(Golden Globes 2015) Poking fun at Hollywood Land stars and the hypocrite and alleged-serial-rapist Bill  "Dr. Cliff Huxtable" Cosby -- full monologue with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.
(Die Antwoord) HBO ROCKS delves into Zef (South African D.I.Y.) style on the streets of South Africa with over the top dancing and costumes for "Fatty Boom Boom"
(Disney) "Into the Woods" featuring Meryl Streep, Johnny Depp, Anna Kendrick, Emily Blunt...
Wolfman (timestreampictures)
Life can be strange when you're a strange one, unlike the Doors say. But, Dev, that is what they say. Singer Jim Morrison was a stranger in a strange land. Not strange enough, I say. Yes, but, that was like decades ago in the fabled 1960s. Its was still the 1950s back then and wouldn't become the "sixties" until the late 1970s when everyone in the country finally caught on.

It's like when Alice fell down the rabbit hole and ended up in the looking glass world. Dev, but isn't that when an uptight Cambridge mathematician looked into a looking glass (mirror) and saw what creativity allowed him to see, or shroom's active ingredient, DMT?

Here I am alone in the woods. I hope there are no wolves or Wolfmen (Lycandroids) here.
Woodland nymph (esjohnson)
Prof. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll, saw it. And what about The Missing Pages of Lewis Carroll? Alice must have elicited it, some way, somehow. Alice was more than the inspiration, his "muse."

Art by Emily W. Martin
She was causing art in him somehow, by some strange connection they had. Some people inspire us, open our views, our field of perception, blow our minds. She was a child, yet they had this connection. That's how it is with the devas, the Buddhist "fairies."

No one can do such a thing today. Oh no? What about Ninja (Watkin Tudor Jones) and Yo-Landi Vi$$er (Anri du Toit)?

(Full-length: HBO Rocks) Die Antwoord's "Zef" (DIY) style looking posh on a pittance

It's like this children's book they have at Book Show (bookshowla.com) by artist-author Emily Winfield Martin (Dream Animals). Bigfoot (Bear Man), devas, mushrooms, and the subterranean world is in it, Could it be an accident, a coincidence, just the collective consciousness that makes us imagine the same thing? We think not. Somehow there is something to these fairies, fairy circles, and the world of Lewis Carroll mushrooms or DMT allows us to see. DMT is made in the brain, in the "third eye," in the pineal gland. Without having opened it, it is easy to imagine what that world is like from so many reports over the millenia from different cultures.

(Die Antwoord) "Zef Side" with Ninja rapping, Yo-Landi singing, and DJ Hi-Tek laying down the beats, living like Americans Macklemore and Ryan Lewis in South Africa.

And what dark realm, what shaman world, is Die Antwoord seeing or being possessed by? The Black Eyed Children, the malevolent and benign ETs, the manifold shapeshifters taking over the world, it has to amount to more than artistic license.

It's our collective fairytale, our Grimm's Fairytale and Aesop's Fables, what Steven Sondheim must have tapped into to produce "Into the Woods."

Lycandroid (wolf-human hybrid) and deva (superhuman) Leslie Mitts/timestreampictures.com
(Max Normal TV, interviewed here in spacey splendor, became Die Antwoord with DJ Hi-Tek)

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