Monday, January 26, 2015

Teens and PORN: "Hot Girls Wanted" (video)

Amber Larson, Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; The Wrap; Belinda Robinson (; Independent Lens (; Take Two (SCPR)
Girls: In a revealing peek into the billion dollar industry, documentary filmmakers exposed how professionally produced films are being made to look like home movies
Girls: In a revealing peek into porn industry, documentary filmmakers expose how professionally produced films are being made to look like amateur home movies.

U.S. sex trafficking on the rise
Alex Cohen, A Martinez, "Take Two" (
Savannah with her mother, Sara, at their home outside of Boston, MA, just two of the subjects in the documentary "A Path Appears" (Audrey Hall/
Hey, mister, looking for a date? (KPCC)
Sex trafficking is often seen as an overseas issue, but a new PBS documentary series highlights the thousands of young children falling prey to this modern-day form of slavery in the United States.

"A Path Appears" is based on a book of the same name by New York Times Columnist Nick Kristof and his wife Sheryl WuDunn. The first of the three-part series airs on tonight. 
For a look at how the issue is being dealt with in Southern California, Take Two's Alex Cohen sat down with Michelle Guymon, director of the L.A. County Probation Department's Child Trafficking Unit. More
Hey, you can't show sex on cartoons even if it is "Family Guy"! - But it's Adult Swim.
(The Wrap) "Hot Girls Wanted" filmmakers on the difference between sexuality and "sexualization." Jones says "because it's performative, women aren't feeling joy from it."
XXX PORN..."Hot Girls Wanted"
Belinda Robinson,, Jan. 26, 2015
Tressa Silguero  in 'Hot Girls Wanted': The 18-year-old featured in the film and admits she was attracted to porn as a way to escape her Texas hometown
Tressa Silguero in "Hot Girls Wanted": The 18-year-old featured in the film and admits she was attracted to porn as a way to escape her Texas hometown.
I'm going to be a "star"!
Film shows how teen girls are increasingly being lured into the world of amateur porn seeking fame and fortune.
  • Film produced by documentary filmmakers Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus "Hot Girls Wanted," shows just how easy it is for teens to get into porn.
  • Social norms are shifting among teens who want to be famous and rich.
  • Typical career span for 18-year-old is three months in brutal sex industry.
They're exploited then kicked out.
He says casually: "Every day, another girl turns 18."  But the brutal world of pornography only gives girls aged 18- to 21 a career span that typically lasts only three months, due to high turnover.

Tressa, an 18-year-old girl featured in the film, admits she was attracted to porn as a way to escape her Texas hometown.

Hey, Quagmire can't do that on TV!
The disturbing world of amateur pornography has been laid bare by a new documentary called "Hot Girls Wanted," which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on Saturday.

The insightful look at the world of pornography shows just how easy it is for teenagers, in particular, to get caught up in a sex trade that promises big bucks and fame.

But in a revealing peek into the billion dollar industry, documentary filmmakers exposed how professionally produced films are being made to look like home movies.

Hot Girls: The director/producer Ronna Gradus, actress/producer Rashida Jones, center, and director/producer Jill Bauer from 'Hot Girls Wanted'
Hot Girls: The Director/Producer Ronna Gradus, actress/Producer Rashida Jones, center, and Director/Producer Jill Bauer from "Hot Girls Wanted" (Wire Image).
"Hot Girls Wanted" was shot by Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus and produced by Rashida Jones. It shows how Craigslist ads that promise free flights to Miami bring in a constant stream of would-be porn stars.

During the film, Riley, a 23-year-old "agent" hosts half a dozen young women eager to enter the industry at his Miami home.
"A Path Appears"
(Independent Lens)"A Path Appears" on child sex trafficking. It is becoming a national epidemic of abuse and modern "slavery" -- profiteering from children's forced induction to the world of prostitution. It is exposed in a three-part series beginning tonight, Jan. 26, 2015.

Film subjects Kendall Plemons and Tressa Silguero attend the 'Hot Girls Wanted' Premiere during the 2015 Sundance Film Festival on January 24, 2015 in Park City, Utah
Pornographers Plemons, Silguero
Film subjects Kendall Plemons and Tressa Silguero attend the "Hot Girls Wanted" Premiere during the 2015 Sundance Film Festival on Jan. 24, 2015 in Park City, Utah.

She said she earned $25,000 in her four months in the industry, but after paying for lingerie, manicures, makeup, and biweekly STD tests, she only had about $2,000 in her bank account when she quit the brutal business.

"It's easy to take advantage of an 18-year-old girl," she said. However, for some teenagers, the allure proves just too much. And many, who have grown up in the age of the Internet do not have many hang-ups about becoming naked adult stars.

Brian gets on a reality TV dating show.
Worryingly, many appear to think that there is nothing wrong with being shot on film and have the attitude, "Why not get paid? We're doing it anyway."

And as pop culture has become more and more sexualized, it can even be seen as a badge of honor to partake in the sex industry in some circles.

According to online porn sites, "teen" is the most searched term in online pornography, and thousands of young people enter the amateur porn industry every day.

National Johns' Day
(PBS) Independent Lens highlights child (under 18) prostitution, which is child sex trafficking, a prevalent form of modern slavery that no one seems to pay too much attention to, particularly during large sporting events and minors being forced to work as sex slaves for pimps who take all the money and create conditions for all of the abuse.

Where's the camera in case the cops show up?
The filmmakers said that according to current laws, it's legal for anyone with a camera who calls himself a porn producer to solicit sex. The woman is technically being paid for her "performance," not the sex act.

Offenders in LA now serving 100% of jail time
[This was highlighted in a "Family Guy" cutaway scene when police break in during a routine prostitution arrest, but the man points to the camera and says something like, "It's not prostitution; it's pornography. See, here's the money exchanging hands." The police apologize and exit because no prostitution law is being broken for exchanging money for sex -- as long as it is being filmed and sold as pornography.] More

Morality by science?
Uberwagon, LA, United States: I wouldn't advise any 18-19 year old girl to do this, but we have to accept it is their choice to make as adults. Once we are of age, each of us SHOULD be free to make our own decisions -- however good, bad or long-lasting -- and express ourselves as we wish (which may include creating objectionable material). If the outcome is unhappy, that's certainly unfortunate, but we all know that comes with our life's choices and we all have to own 'em.
  • HJ4U, LA, United States: Hey, jerk Uberwagon, what the Hades are you talking about? What a secular celestial world you must live in. Why don't you get your PC BS off the Interwebs and stop promoting your liberal hogwash? We all have a right to our opinion, but some of you abuse the privilege.
Asteroid flyby: How to spot space rock whizzing by Earth on Monday, 2004 BL86

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