Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Don't be a JERK! (cartoons)

Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; Seth MacFarlane ("Family Guy," "Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy," "TED 2"); AP.org; Machi
("Family Guy" cutaway gag) Try not to be a [jerk], Y, for once just try. Hang up that phone!

Fake quote. But what is the Path?
Setting: highrise during a fat cat staff meeting, where [jerks] generally spend the day. But the problem is not limited to part-time vowels.

There is also the less explored world of the a-h*le full-time fat cats: There is the indoor cat. There is the outdoor cat. Then there is the lesser known, least liked, and most pompous of all frumpy felines, the Financial Fat Cat!

Well, one cocky dog is no longer going to stand for it:

NBC News' Brian Williams lies as much as FOX News' Bill O'Reilly (TMW)

Why are we allowing corporations and the EPA to pollute our world? (JenSorensen.com)

(Machinima) Seth MacFarlane's newest plush pot-abusing bear movie, "TED 2"

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