Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hong Kong plane crash caught on video

CC Liu, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly; Breaking News; Brian Eno; Associated Press
Emergency personnel sort through luggage recovered at the site of a commercial plane crash in Taiwan, Feb. 5, 2015. TransAsia Airways Flight 235 with 58 people aboard clipped a bridge shortly after takeoff and crashed into a river in the island's capital of Taipei (AP).
(AK) TransAsia Airways plane crash in Taipei, Taiwan a Buddhist stronghold in China's purview. Brian Eno once sang, "Burning airlines give you so much more."
  • PHOTOS: 15 survivors, others missing or deceased (AP) A pilot of TransAsia Airways Flight 235 said, "Mayday, mayday, engine flameout" moments before the propjet banked sharply and crashed into a river, an aviation official said today, but declined to comment on a possible cause for the accident. Engine flameout refers to flames being extinguished in the combustion chamber of the engine, so that it shuts down and no longer drives the propeller. Causes of a flameout could include a lack of fuel or [striking] volcanic ash, a bird, or some other object. "Mayday" is an international emergency call.
(AK) In more bad news for China, Beijing-bound Malaysia Airlines MH370 has been declared lost and all aboard dead even though no part of it was found. Will government still search?

MH370 Malaysia Declares Plane's Disappearance an Accident
The Malaysian government has officially declared the disappearance of Malaysian Airline flight MH370 an accident and has said that there were no survivors. No trace of the Beijing-bound aircraft has been found since it disappeared on March 8, 2014.
Officials say that the recovery operation is ongoing but that the 239 people on board are now presumed dead. The plane's whereabouts are still unknown despite a massive international search in the southern Indian Ocean. The declaration on today should allow compensation payments to relatives of the victims.

Deepest sorrow: Malaysian officials added that the recovery of the missing aircraft remained a priority and that they had pursued "every credible lead." Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) Director-General Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said that it was "with the heaviest heart and deepest sorrow that we officially declare Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 an accident.''

"All 239 of the passengers and crew on board MH370 are presumed to have lost their lives," he said. Following today's announcement, China's foreign ministry called for compensation for the victims' families. "We call on the Malaysian side to honor the promise made when they declared the flight to have been lost and earnestly fulfill their compensation responsibilities," spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in a statement.

WARNING: Satire! "Burning Airlines Give You So Much More" lyrics below

The majority of the passengers on MH370 were Chinese. Four vessels are currently searching the seafloor with specialized sonar technology in a remote stretch of ocean where the plane is believed to have ended its flight.

Mr. Azharuddin added that Malaysia, China, and Australia have spared no expense in the hunt for the plane. No evidence: Based on analysis of satellite and aircraft performance data, MH370 is thought to be in seas far west of the Australian city of Perth. The vessels have so far searched an area of over 18,000 km sq (11,185 square miles), according to officials.

The search area involved also has known depths of up to 6,000 m (19,685 ft). Mr. Azharuddin said that the progress of the safety investigation into the accident would be released soon, but that "at this juncture, there is no evidence to substantiate any speculations as to the cause of the accident." The DCA said yesterday said that it planned to release an interim report on the investigation on March 7, a day before the first anniversary of the disappearance.

Conspiracy theorists will not welcome this official conclusion by Malaysia as it declares MH370 an "accident" and all on board presumed dead, airline to proceed with compensation. Why would they proceed with compensation? Because burning airlines give you so much more. More

(Eno): When I got back home I found a message on the door/ Sweet Regina's gone to China crosslegged on the floor/ Of a burning jet that's smoothly flying/ Burning airlines give you so much more/  How does she intend to live when she's in far Cathay?/ I somehow can't imagine her just planting rice all day/ Maybe she will do a bit of spying/ With microcameras hidden in her hair/  I guess Regina's on a plane a Newsweek on her knees/ While miles below the curlews call from strangely stunted trees/ The painted sage sits just as though he's flying/ Regina's jet disturbs his wispy beard/.  When you reach Kyoto send a postcard if you can/ And please convey my fond regards to Chih-Hao's girl Yu-Lan/ I heard a rumor they were getting married/ But someone left the papers in Japan/.  Left them in Japan.

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