Thursday, February 12, 2015

Science, Girl born pregnant, Boy won't grow up

Amber Larson, Seth Auberon, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Tia Ghose, Rachael Rettner
O, I want one! Where can I order? Make mine a hybrid. (Oksankash/
Karma is a strange thing, Wyrd, mysterious like the working of "GOD" (Brahman, the Matrix, the Whole, the Web, or Fabric of Time Space).

Or maybe things that happen are all chance, as popular science would have us believe. (Secret science in the military, at black sites, and tucked away in universities with quiet funding or pure research dedication, on the other hand, looks into these things, for instance formerly at Princeton Univ.'s Anomalies Research Project bringing hard science to bear on the paranormal).

If only the Buddha or Ajahn Jumnien were here to ask why this tiny girl was born already pregnant, with twins no less! Instead, we have to settle for science's guess, which at least brings some doubtable (refutable) evidence to bear, so that's an advance.

Personal mysticism is good, but relying on religious figures and their "visions" or nonsensical claims is a dangerous endeavor, not because they are not true but because non-mystics always misunderstand. Have a vision. Otherwise, take all claims with a healthy grain of salt. By the way, a "grain" is a measurement (64.8 mg), not a tiny particle of table salt!

Baby Girl Born Pregnant with Twins
Tia Ghose (, Feb. 10, 2015)
Pregnancy is hard enough for women, how will a toddler handle it? (
Maya and child Siddhartha
A baby born in Hong Kong was pregnant with her own siblings at the time of her birth, according to a new report of the infant's case.

The baby's condition, known as fetus-in-fetu, is incredibly rare, occurring in only about 1 in every 500,000 births. It's not clear exactly why it happens.

"Weird things happen early, early in the pregnancy that we just don't understand," said Dr. Draion Burch, an obstetrician and gynecologist in Pittsburgh, who goes by Dr. Drai. "This is one of those medical mysteries."

Date Asians, have twins, get in the news?
The World Health Organization considers a tiny fetus found within an infant to be a kind of teratoma, or tumor, rather than a normally developing fetus.
But the doctors who treated the baby girl wrote that rather than a teratoma, the tiny fetuses may instead be the remains of sibling twins that were absorbed during the pregnancy. More

Tia Ghose, LiveScience Staff WriterTia Ghose has interned at Science News,, and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and has written for the Center for Investigative Reporting, Scientific American, and ScienceNow. She has a Master's degree in bioengineering from the Univ. of Washington and a graduate certificate in science writing from UC Santa Cruz.
Boy diagnosed with "Fear of Growing Up"
Rachael Rettner (, Feb. 4, 2015)
It's not that I have Peter Pan Syndrome; I'm just scared. (Zurijeta/
But, devi, I don't want to grow up!
A 14-year-old boy in Mexico had such an intense fear of growing up that he took extreme steps to hide or curb his growth, such as restricting his food intake and distorting his voice, according to a new report of his case.

The boy's phobia started when he was about 11 years old. He had learned that nutrients in food would cause him to grow -- so he ate less and lost more than 26 lbs. (about 12 kgs), according to the report from the health workers who treated him.

In addition, he stooped over to hide his height and distorted his voice so that he spoke in a higher pitch.

La, la, la, live for today! (picture24gallery)
"Every time he notices a physical change that indicates that he is growing, he feels fear and anxiety, to the point that [he] has considered undergoing multiple surgeries to hide it," the researchers wrote in their report, published Dec. 21 in the journal Case Reports in Psychiatry. "He also believes that once he reaches [adulthood], he is more likely to get sick and die... More

Rachael Rettner, MyHealthNewsDaily Staff WriterRachael Rettner has been with since 2010. She has a Master's degree in journalism from New York University's Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting Program, a BS in molecular biology, and an MS in biology from UC San Diego.
God is Not One: Yoruba/Buddhism Exercises
The-Professor-Dr. Maryann
Wisdom Walk (Sage Bennet)
An important concept among practitioners of [Africa's] Yoruba-based religions is that of destiny [Buddhist karmic resultant and fruition, ancient Greek Fates or Moirai, Jewish kismet], the idea that each of us was given or chose a destiny for this lifetime.

If we are on the path of our destiny, life flows well. Otherwise, things can seem hard and we feel out of sorts.

Dr. Maryann says, Meditate!
Sage Bennet in her Wisdom Walk has an exercise she calls “Catching God’s Vision for Your Life.” Even if you don’t necessarily think you have or were given a destiny or that some deity has [co-created] a vision for your life, as we move toward the end of one year and the beginning of another, now is a good time to consider how our life is unfolding. More

What do I hold in my hand?
For Americans, meditation is the most essential feature of Buddhist religious practice.

In meditation, we find a way to calm our inner [mind/hearts] by turning away from the turmoil of our outer lives. Sage Bennet suggests that many people who meditate regularly “confirm the transformative effects of this wisdom practice: more peace and clarity of mind, greater self-awareness, and stronger resiliency in response to life’s ups and downs”... More

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